Matthew L. Baer, MD, PhD


Practices In: Elgin
Patients Seen: Adults

I find it very impor­tant to treat patients as peo­ple first by wel­com­ing them to my prac­tice and try­ing to help them remem­ber that they are an indi­vid­ual who hap­pens to have a neu­ro­log­ic prob­lem — not just a patient with a dis­ease. It is very impor­tant to address each patien­t’s med­ical con­cerns, but I want to make sure that I under­stand how these con­cerns affect their lives so we can work togeth­er to man­age each prob­lem holistically.

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Board Certifications
Clinical Interests

My spe­cif­ic inter­ests are in neu­ro­mus­cu­lar med­i­cine (includ­ing mus­cle dis­eases, neu­ropathies, and neu­ro­mus­cu­lar junc­tion dis­or­ders), neu­rooph­thal­mol­o­gy, neu­roim­munol­o­gy (e.g. Mul­ti­ple Scle­ro­sis), and headaches.

Personal Interests

I love to go on long walks and admire urban archi­tec­ture. I enjoy cook­ing and shar­ing meals with friends. I dab­ble in pho­tog­ra­phy, which helps make my urban wan­der­ings more inten­tion­al. And I have been enjoy­ing read­ing in my spare time.

Virginia Commonwealth University Graduation Date: 2018 Degree: MD PhD
Barnes Jewish Hospital, Washington University Resident in Neurology
Washington University Neuromuscular Medicine and Electrodiagnostic Medicine


Botox for Migraines, Botox for Movement Disorder, EMG/NCV Testing, Lumbar Puncture, Muscle Biopsy, Neuromuscular Ultrasound, Neuroophthalmology (slit lamp, fundus photography, OCT, automated perimetry), Trigger Point Injection