I am in this field because I am drawn to both the warmth of deep emotional connection and the potential of using science to work through life’s hardest puzzles. My job is to be your ally in whatever you are facing: understanding when you feel alone, resourceful when you feel stuck, and tenacious when you feel like giving up. I know that sometimes hope and answers seem distant, but I strongly believe that we can always find a way to leave therapy better than when we came in.

Matt Atkinson, LCPC, CADC
Behavioral & Mental Health, Counseling
Behavioral & Mental Health insurance coverage varies by provider.
Prior to scheduling with a Behavioral & Mental Health (IPD) provider, please confirm with your insurance carrier that this provider is considered in-network and covered by your insurance plan.
I have particular experience with people struggling with substance use disorders, seniors with severe mental health conditions, and those who are treatment-reliant. I am a certified clinical trauma professional and continuing to expand my expertise in trauma.
I love to read, mostly for fun, but some philosophical topics such as Stoicism and mindfulness have influenced my clinical practice. I also like to write, keep up my health through exercise and learning to cook, slowly explore Chicago, and investigate almost any kind of music.