Mary Holmstrom, MSN, APRN, WHNP-BC

Obstetrics & Gynecology

Practices In: Tinley Park
Patients Seen: All Ages

I am for­tu­nate to have had OBG­YN train­ing in both tra­di­tion­al hos­pi­tal and office set­tings as well as set­tings that pro­vide more holis­tic care, afford­ing me a well-round­ed knowl­edge base that can be tai­lored to the pref­er­ences of each indi­vid­ual patient. I base my prac­tice on the con­cept of patient-cen­tered care, know­ing that sol­id patient com­mu­ni­ca­tion, edu­ca­tion, and shared deci­sion-mak­ing helps form a healthy rela­tion­ship between the med­ical com­mu­ni­ty and our patients. I am devot­ed to mak­ing our office a safe place to seek care and atten­tion for med­ical needs. I am deter­mined to use my self-aware­ness and open-mind­ed­ness to help bridge any gap our patients may encounter when seek­ing a trust­ed provider.

Qual­i­ty mat­ters when it comes to sup­ple­ments. Whether you’re new or expe­ri­enced with sup­ple­ments, trust­ed, qual­i­ty options can sup­port your immu­ni­ty, heart health, and nutri­ent intake. Duly has part­nered with Fullscript, offer­ing access to high-qual­i­ty sup­ple­ments deliv­ered direct­ly to your door. Ask your provider about Fullscript and our exclu­sive dis­counts at your next visit.

Schedule an appointment with Mary Holmstrom, MSN, APRN, WHNP-BC

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Clinical Interests

Breast health, Women’s Health, Abnor­mal Pap Smears, Abnor­mal Uter­ine Bleed­ing, Ado­les­cent Health, Sex­u­al­ly Trans­mit­ted Infec­tions (STI), Pre-con­cep­tion care, Obstet­rics, Fourth Trimester”/Postpartum care, Breast­feed­ing Sup­port, Con­tra­cep­tion, Hor­mon­al and Non-Hor­mon­al ther­a­py, Menopause and Infertility

Personal Interests

I enjoy spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly, trav­el­ing the coun­try for trade shows with my hus­band for our busi­ness, watch­ing my daugh­ter excel in gym­nas­tics, and being a base­ball mama” for my son. I also enjoy snow­mo­bil­ing, walk­ing through the woods at our farm in the UP, going to water­parks, and going to Dis­ney for vacation.

AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center, Hinsdale
120 North Oak Street Hinsdale, Illinois 60521 630-856-9000 Get Directions
AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center in La Grange
5101 Willow Springs Road La Grange, Illinois 60525 708-245-9000 Get Directions
Rasmussen College Graduation Date: 2017 Degree: Associates of Nursing
Regis College Graduation Date: 2022 Degree: Master of Nursing - Women's Health Nurse Practitioner
Provider’s Research