Mariya S. Rampurwala, MD

Internal Medicine

Practices In: Elgin
Patients Seen: Adults

I am a firm believ­er in strong doc­tor-patient part­ner­ship. I spend time lis­ten­ing to my patients and meet­ing them where they are at in their health­care jour­ney. My goal is to pro­vide them a per­son­al­ized expe­ri­ence and estab­lish long term-rela­tion­ships. I believe in treat­ing patients as a whole rather than focus­ing on the dis­ease alone.

Care Team

Need an appointment sooner? While Dr. Rampurwala is the anchor of your care team, she works closely with an advanced practice provider who is able to provide care when you need it.

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Care Team

Need an appointment sooner? While Dr. Rampurwala is the anchor of your care team, she works closely with an advanced practice provider who is able to provide care when you need it.

Board Certifications
American Board of Internal Medicine, American Board of Obesity Medicine
English, Urdu, Hindi, Gujarati
Awards & Accolades
The Daisy Team Award at Advocate Sherman Hospital 2019
Clinical Interests

Obe­si­ty and weight loss med­i­cine, pre­ven­tive med­i­cine, dia­betes, hyper­ten­sion, hyper­lipi­demia, lifestyle med­i­cine and women’s health

Personal Interests

Trav­el­ing, Hik­ing, Read­ing, Music

American Medical Association Obesity Medical Association Illinois Obesity Society
Advocate Sherman Hospital
1425 North Randall Road Elgin, Illinois 60123 (847) 742-9800 Get Directions
Ascension Saint Joseph Hospital, Elgin
77 North Airlite Street, Tuscan Woods Elgin, Illinois 60123 847-695-3200 Get Directions
Government Medical College, Aurangabad Graduation Date: 2005 Degree: MD
Indiana University School of Medicine
Provider’s Publications
ECG and Echocardiographic Abnormalities in Traumatic Brain Injury Poster presentation, ACC 08, 57th Annual Scientific Meeting, Chicago, IL
March 2008
Provider’s Research
Fragmented QRS and Dyssynchrony in Heart Failure Patients. Abbas Rampurwala, MD, Mariya Shaad, MD, Irmina Gradus Pizlo, MD, Mithilesh K Das, MD Krannert Institute of Cardiology, Indiana University, IN Journal of American College of Cardiology, Volume 49, Issue 9, Supplement A, Page 42A, March 2007 ECG and Echocardiographic Abnormalities in Traumatic Brain Injury Mariya Shaad, MD, Elizabeth Hill, Abbas Y. Rampurwala, MD, Charlette Ng, MD, John C. Bailey, MD Krannert Institute of Cardiology, Indiana University, IN Journal of American College of Cardiology, Volume 51, Issue 10, Supplement A, Page 35A, March 2008