My patients often comment on is what a good listener I am. My goal after any initial visit is for each patient to know I fully understand what brings them to IPD. Providing a secure and safe environment is key to making my patients feel at ease. I want them to look forward to their next visit with me. As a FNP, I am able to merge behavioral health knowledge with that of my general medicine training. This allows me to offer a comprehensive holistic approach to providing the best care I can.

Marie DeBartolo, MS, FNP-BC
Behavioral & Mental Health, Psychiatry
Behavioral & Mental Health insurance coverage varies by provider.
Prior to scheduling with a Behavioral & Mental Health (IPD) provider, please confirm with your insurance carrier that this provider is considered in-network and covered by your insurance plan.
I particularly enjoy working with patients with ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder). This diagnosis is often missed and can be the root cause of anxiety, depression, insomnia, and anger issues, moodiness, and difficulty sustaining attention at work or in school. Once diagnosed, it generally easy to treat. Patients see remarkable results with medication once we have identified the disorder.
I love spending time with my large extended family, all water sports, gardening, painting, and best of all travel to a place I have never been.