Maricruz Pajares, MD

Family Medicine

Practices In: Bloomingdale
Patients Seen: All Ages

Let’s work togeth­er to keep you and your fam­i­ly healthy.

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English, Spanish
Clinical Interests

Wom­en’s health, men’s health, pedi­atrics and geri­atrics focus­ing in hyper­ten­sion, dia­betes and pre­ven­tive care

Personal Interests

I enjoy cook­ing, danc­ing, gar­den­ing and spend­ing time with my family.

American Board of Family Medicine American Academy of Family Physicians

Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital
25 North Winfield Road Winfield, Illinois 60190 630-933-1600 Get Directions
Ross University School of Medicine Graduation Date: 2012 Degree: MD
Resurrection Medical Center Resident in Family Medicine