Marianne Costales-Roman, LCSW

Behavioral & Mental Health, Counseling

Practices In: Naperville
Patients Seen: Ages 8–64

If you are new to ther­a­py wel­come and if you are a vet­er­an wel­come back. Ther­a­py is a great tool for any issue and any per­son but therapists/​treatments are not a one size fits all. It is impor­tant to be some­what com­fort­able with your ther­a­pist and that is my inten­tion upon meet­ing with my clients. Ther­a­py is a per­son­al jour­ney that one allows a pro­fes­sion­al to join them and it is impor­tant to feel a mea­sure of com­fort while you are in treat­ment. Ther­a­py is not about judge­ment but about get­ting the appro­pri­ate tools to be a health­i­er and func­tion­al per­son. Whether you are grad­u­at­ing from col­lege, get­ting mar­ried, hav­ing your youngest child leave the nest or just try­ing to fig­ure your­self out; it is impor­tant to have some­one you can trust to guide you through it. My approach is to be present where ever my client will be emotionally/​mentally and pro­vide sup­port, edu­ca­tion and guidance.

Behav­ioral & Men­tal Health insur­ance cov­er­age varies by provider.

Pri­or to sched­ul­ing with a Behav­ioral & Men­tal Health (IPD) provider, please con­firm with your insur­ance car­ri­er that this provider is con­sid­ered in-net­­work and cov­ered by your insur­ance plan.

English, Spanish
Clinical Interests

I have expe­ri­ence with work­ing with school-aged chil­dren and teens with­in the school set­ting and worked for over 15 years in an alter­na­tive school with stu­dents that have social emo­tion­al issues. I have enjoyed edu­cat­ing par­ents on how to par­ent difficult/​challenging chil­dren and pro­vid­ing guid­ance on how to han­dle new­ly placed stu­dents and fam­i­lies in the spe­cial edu­ca­tion sys­tem. My pas­sion is edu­cat­ing peo­ple about men­tal ill­ness and assist­ing them on their jour­ney of self-dis­cov­ery and heal­ing. I feel it has been my call­ing to pro­vide sup­port, edu­ca­tion and empa­thy to peo­ple whom seek ther­a­peu­tic services.

Personal Interests

I am a mom of 3 daugh­ters ages 21, 13 and 6 and have been mar­ried for almost 15 years. I enjoy spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly both imme­di­ate and extend­ed. I am an avid true crime read­er and fan of the ID chan­nel. Laugh­ter in my life brings me much joy and self-care is impor­tant to me as a pro­fes­sion­al and a per­son. I tru­ly believe that in order to help oth­ers I need to help myself and make myself a pri­or­i­ty so I can con­tin­ue to pro­vide sup­port and empa­thy to all the peo­ple that are in my life.

Aurora University Graduation Date: 1997 Degree: BA in Psychology and BSW
Aurora University Graduation Date: 1998 Degree: MSW


ADD, ADHD, Adolescent Issues, Adoption, Anger Management, Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Behavioral Issues, Communication, Couples/Marriage, Family Issues, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Learning Disorders, Life Transitions, Men's Health, Military Issues, Mood Disorders, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Oncology, Palliative Care/End of Life, Panic Disorder, Parenting, Personality Disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Race-based Stress, Relationships, Self Esteem, Sleep Issues, Spirituality, Stress, Stress Management, Stroke, Suicide, Teen Issues, Thought Disorders, Trauma, Traumatic Brain Injury, Women's Health

Treatment Styles

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Child Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Couples Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), Family Therapy, Group Therapy, Individual Therapy, Integrative, Mindfulness Based, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)