If you are new to therapy welcome and if you are a veteran welcome back. Therapy is a great tool for any issue and any person but therapists/treatments are not a one size fits all. It is important to be somewhat comfortable with your therapist and that is my intention upon meeting with my clients. Therapy is a personal journey that one allows a professional to join them and it is important to feel a measure of comfort while you are in treatment. Therapy is not about judgement but about getting the appropriate tools to be a healthier and functional person. Whether you are graduating from college, getting married, having your youngest child leave the nest or just trying to figure yourself out; it is important to have someone you can trust to guide you through it. My approach is to be present where ever my client will be emotionally/mentally and provide support, education and guidance.

Marianne Costales-Roman, LCSW
Behavioral & Mental Health, Counseling
Behavioral & Mental Health insurance coverage varies by provider.
Prior to scheduling with a Behavioral & Mental Health (IPD) provider, please confirm with your insurance carrier that this provider is considered in-network and covered by your insurance plan.
I have experience with working with school-aged children and teens within the school setting and worked for over 15 years in an alternative school with students that have social emotional issues. I have enjoyed educating parents on how to parent difficult/challenging children and providing guidance on how to handle newly placed students and families in the special education system. My passion is educating people about mental illness and assisting them on their journey of self-discovery and healing. I feel it has been my calling to provide support, education and empathy to people whom seek therapeutic services.
I am a mom of 3 daughters ages 21, 13 and 6 and have been married for almost 15 years. I enjoy spending time with my family both immediate and extended. I am an avid true crime reader and fan of the ID channel. Laughter in my life brings me much joy and self-care is important to me as a professional and a person. I truly believe that in order to help others I need to help myself and make myself a priority so I can continue to provide support and empathy to all the people that are in my life.