I integrate diagnostic medical imaging with the clinical picture to provide patients and their physicians with the most accurate diagnosis.

M. Firas Bazerbashi, MD
Practices In:
Glen Ellyn
Patients Seen:
All Ages
English, Arabic
Awards & Accolades
RSNA Magna Cum Laude Award for Educational Exhibit: Recognizing Unusual and Atypical Patterns of Ischemic Stroke in the ED, 2018.
First Place oral presentation at British Institute of Radiology Oncology Conference, 2016.
Clinical Interests
Neuroradiology, brain tumor, stroke, epilepsy, trauma, headache, vision changes, trigeminal neuralgia, multiple sclerosis, head and neck malignancy, thyroid/parathyroid imaging, neurovascular aneurysm and stenosis, back pain, compression fracture, spinal stenosis, among others.
Personal Interests
I enjoy spending time with family and being an avid sports fan.
Radiological Society of North America
American Society of Neuroradiology
American Society of Head and Neck Radiology
American Roentgen Ray Society
University of Toledo
College of Medicine
Graduation Date:
University of Toledo College of Medicine
Chief Resident in Radiology
University of Michigan Hospitals
Provider’s Publications
Bazerbashi MF, Buehler M, Jumaa MA, Schroeder JL. 4D-CTA and preoperative embolization of large intraosseous meningioma. Appl Radiol. 2018;47(5):34-37.
Bazerbashi MF, Bapuraj JR, McKean EL. A Painful Infraorbital Mass; Angioleiomyoma. JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, April 12, 2018. doi:10.1001/jamaoto.2018.0178
April 2018
Bazerbashi M, Gomez-Hassan, D. Response Assessment in Treated Brain Tumors: The Fundamentals. Seminars in Roentgenology, November 20, 2017.
November 2017
Semaan H, Obri T, Bazerbashi M, Paull D, Liu X, Sarrouj M, Elgafy H. Clinical outcome and subsequent sequelae of cement extravasation after percutaneous kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty: a comparative review. Acta Radiologica. September 27, 2017.
September 2017
Semaan H, Bazerbashi M, Siesel G, Aldinger P, Obri T. Diagnostic accuracy of non-contrast abdominal CT scans performed as follow up for patients with an established cancer diagnosis: A retrospective study. Acta Oncologica. Aug 2, 2017.
August 2017
Alnemari A, Mansour T, Bazerbashi M, Buehler M, Schroeder J, Gaudin D. Dynamic 4D-CTA for Neurovascular Pathologies: A Case Series. World Neurosurgery. June 14, 2017.
June 2017
Bazerbashi M, Biesczczad J. Complete Urinary Bladder Duplication. ACR Case In Point. April 27, 2016.
April 2016
Semaan H, Bieszczad J, Obri T, Aldinger P, Bazerbashi M, Al-Natour M, Elgafy H. Incidental Extra-Spinal Findings at Lumbar Spine Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Retrospective Study. Spine. (Phila Pa 1976). 2015 Sep 15;40(18):1436-43.
September 2015
Voss LF, Bazerbashi MF, Beekman CP, Hadad CM, and Allen HC. Oxidation of oleic acid at air/liquid interfaces. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. 2007, 112 (D6).
Raslan K, Wahlstrom D, Bazerbashi M. Brain Tumor Board Primer-Glioblastoma: What You Need to Know to Survive. Electronic Exhibit. Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Chicago, Illinois, November 2018.
November 2018
Elsamaloty HM, Elsamaloty L, Semaan HB, Bazerbashi MF, Youssef EY. Diagnosing Hepatobiliary Disease during Myocardial Perfusion Imaging Using Tc99m Methoxy Isobutyl Isonitrile. Oral Presentation. Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Chicago, Illinois, November 2018.
November 2018
Kim J, Boucher FQ, Eissa OS, Bazerbashi MF, Alves TI, Batty R, Chong S. Recognizing Unusual and Atypical Patters of Ischemic Stroke in the ED. Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Chicago, Illinois, November 2018. Winner of RSNA Magna Cum Laude
November 2018
Manganaro M, Bazerbashi M, Bapuraj J, Miller D, Gu E, Boucher F, Wilseck Z, Lee M, Kim J. Hairy Polyp. Oral Case Report. American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR). Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 2018.
June 2018
Eissa O, Bazerbashi M. Systematic Approach to Sellar/Suprasellar Region Lesions: A Case- based Review of Challenging Cases. Educational Exhibit. American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR). Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 2018.
June 2018
Bazerbashi M. Imaging Evaluation of the Painful Eye. Oral Presentation. 9th Annual Midwest Head and Neck Meeting. Ann Arbor, Michigan. March 24, 2018.
March 2018
Eslam Y, Moawad S, Bazerbashi M, Buehler M, Elsamaloty H. Normal Variant of Cerebral Arteries – Anterior Circulation. Educational Exhibit. American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS). Washington D.C., April 2018.
April 2018
Bazerbashi M, Srinivasan A. Ouch, my eye hurts! An imaging approach to evaluating the painful eye. Electronic Exhibit. American Society of Head and Neck Radiology (ASHNR). Las Vegas, Nevada, September 2017.
September 2017
Arroyo A, Elsamaloty L, Semaan H, Abdullah A, Bazerbashi M, Suede M, Obri T. Diagnosing hepatobiliary disease during myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI), using Tc99m methoxy isobutyl isonitrile (MIBI) as an adjunct benefit. Abstract. Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI). Denver, Colorado, June 10-14, 2017.
June 2017
Bazerbashi M, Buehler M, Alnemari A, Mansour T, Schroeder J, Jumaa M, Gaudin D. Clinical Application of Non-Invasive 4D-CT Angiography. Electronic Exhibit. American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR). Long Beach, California, April 2017.
April 2017
ElGuindy Y, Bazerbashi M, Elsamaloty H. Pineal Region Lesions; a Systematic Algorithmic Approach. Electronic Exhibit. American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS). New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2017.
April 2017
Lonner B, Ren Y, Roonprapunt C, Alanay A, Verma K, Bazerbashi M, Buehler M, Kodigudla M, Kelkar A, Goel V. The Transverse Process Trajectory Technique: A New Pathway to the Thoracic Pedicle in the Deformed Spine. American Association of Orthopaedic Surgery (AAOS). Oral paper presentation #58. Sandiego, California, March 14-18, 2017.
March 2017
Buehler M, Leung B, Bazerbashi M, Mansour T, Rost, Z. Beating Stroke at its Own Game: Improving Time to Definitive Treatment of Patients with a Large Vessel Occlusion Utilizing a Systems-Wide Communication-Based Approach. Presented at Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Chicago, Illinois, December 2016.
December 2016
Bazerbashi M, Semaan H, Siesel G, Aldinger P, Obri T. Diagnostic accuracy of non-contrast abdominal CT scans performed as follow up for patients with an established cancer diagnosis. Oral Presentation first place award winner. Oral Presentation. British Institute of Radiology (BIR) Oncology Update. Llantrisant, England, November 2016.
November 2016
Lonner B, Ren Y, Roonprapunt C, Alanay A, Verma K, Bazerbashi M, Buehler M, Kodigudla M, Kelkar A, Goel V. The Transverse Process Trajectory Technique: A New Pathway to the Thoracic Pedicle in the Deformed Spine. Eposter 2049. Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) Annual Meeting. Sandiego, California, September 24-28, 2016.
September 2016
Wang X, Xie H, Brickman KR, Bazerbashi MF, Tamburrino MB, Mclean SA, Liberzon I. Early Changes in Cortical Emotion Processing Circuits after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Following Motor Vehicle Collision. Poster presentation. The Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS). Orlando, Florida, August 2016.
August 2016
Semaan H, Paull D, Obri T, Bazerbashi M, Elgafy H. Evaluation of Cement Leakage after Percutaneous Kyphoplasty and Vertebroplasty. Presented at North America Spine Society (NASS). Miami, Florida, July 2016.
July 2016
Aldinger P, Buehler M, Lewis T, Rost Z, Bazerbashi M. Series of Brain Stem Strokes with Anatomic and Clinical Correlation. Electronic Exhibit. American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR). Washington D.C., May 2016.
May 2016
Semaan H, Paull D, Obri T, Bazerbashi M, Elgafy H. Evaluation of Cement Leakage after Percutaneous Kyphoplasty and Vertebroplasty. Presented at International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISASS). Las Vegas, Nevada, April 2016.
April 2016
Lonner BS, Roonprapunt C, Ren Y, Alanay A, Verma K, Bazerbashi M, Buehler M, Goel V. The Transverse Process Trajectory Technique- A New Pathway to the Thoracic Pedicle in the Deformed Spine. Eposter at the North American Spine Society (NASS). Chicago, Illinois, October 2015.
October 2015
Semaan H, Obri T, Bieszczad J, Aldinger P, Bazerbashi M, Al-Natour M, Peters N, Elgafy H. Incidental Extra-Spinal Findings in Lumbar Spine MRI. Incidence and Clinical Significance. Presented at North American Spine Society (NASS). Chicago, Illinois, October 2015
October 2015
Bazerbashi M, Al-Natour M, Lewis TJ, Buehler M. Pathophysiology of atypical MRI patterns in posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. Poster presentation. American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR). Chicago, Illinois, April 2015.
April 2015
Buehler M, Patel T, Dhayihi T, Bazerbashi M, Ashour O. The variable vertebral: Variant vertebral artery origins and V2 segments, their incidence, and clinical implications. Poster presentation. American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR). Chicago, Illinois, April 2015.
April 2015
Bazerbashi M, Semaan H, Obri T, Elgafy H. Evaluation of cement leakage after percutaneous kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty. Electronic Exhibit. American Society of Spine Radiology (ASSR). Las Vegas, Nevada, February 2015.
February 2015
Voss, LF, Bazerbashi M, Allen HC. Spectroscopy of Surfactant Monolayers: A Comparison of Surface Specific Techniques & Impact of Fatty Acid Monolayers on Tropospheric Chemistry Studied Using Surface Vibrational Spectroscopy. Presented at American Chemistry Society (ACS). Atlanta, Georgia, March 2006.
March 2006
Voss, LF, Bazerbashi M, Allen HC. Interfacial Structure of Model Lung Surfactant Monolayers. Presented at American Chemistry Society (ACS). Washington D.C., August 2005.
August 2005
Abdominal and Small Parts Imaging, Bone Scan, CT (Computed Axial Tomography), CT Angiography, CT of Chest, Abdomen & Pelvis, CT of the Extremities, CT of the Head, Sinuses, Facial Bones & Neck, CT of the Spine, DaTscan, Hepatobiliary Scan, I-131 Therapy, MRI/MRA, Neuroradiology, Superficial Temporal Artery Ultrasound, Upper GI Study, Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA)
Spinal Compression Fracture, Spinal Health