Lisa DeMarco, LCPC

Behavioral & Mental Health, Counseling

Practices In: Orland Park, Romeoville
Patients Seen: Ages 12–75

Lisa DeMar­co is a Licensed Clin­i­cal Pro­fes­sion­al Coun­selor. She received her B.A at Trin­i­ty Chrisi­tan Col­lege and her M.A. in Coun­sel­ing at Gov­er­nors State Uni­ver­si­ty. Lisa has been a ther­a­pist for over twen­ty years, and feels hon­ored to sup­port , encour­age, and empow­er indi­vid­u­als dur­ing dif­fi­cult times.

Lisa has a var­ied back­ground includ­ing work­ing in a Com­mu­ni­ty Men­tal Health Agency, Emer­gency Room, Inten­sive Out­pa­tient Pro­gram, Sub­stance Abuse Treat­ment Cen­ter, Group and Pri­vate Practices.

Lisa works with groups, fam­i­lies, cou­ples, indi­vid­u­als, and ado­les­cents.. She can also pro­vide a Chris­t­ian cen­tered approach for those pre­fer­ring this world­view. Her ther­a­peu­tic approach is holis­tic and based on the needs of each client. Lisa is pro­fi­cient in the use of CBT, DBT, ACT, Fam­i­ly Sys­tems, and many oth­er the­o­ries. The waters are ris­ing, but so am I. I am not going under, but over.’

Behav­ioral & Men­tal Health insur­ance cov­er­age varies by provider.

Pri­or to sched­ul­ing with a Behav­ioral & Men­tal Health (IPD) provider, please con­firm with your insur­ance car­ri­er that this provider is con­sid­ered in-net­­work and cov­ered by your insur­ance plan.

Clinical Interests

Ado­les­cent Issues, Anxiety/​Depression/​Mood Dis­or­ders, Grief/​loss, Cou­ples ther­a­py, Stress and Anger Man­age­ment, Chron­ic Illness/​Pain, Life Transitions/​divorce/​blended fam­i­lies, Adop­tion, Women’s Issues, Dual Diag­no­sis, Spirituality


Adolescent Issues, Adoption, Anger Management, Anxiety, Chronic Medical Illnesses, Chronic Pain, Depression, Dual Diagnosis, Grief & Loss, Life Transitions, Mood Disorders, Spirituality, Stress Management, Women's Health