Lauren A. O'Connor, APRN, FNP-BC

High Risk Breast Clinic

Practices In: Joliet, Plainfield
Patients Seen: All Ages

As a Nurse Prac­ti­tion­er, my empha­sis is on the well-being of the whole per­son to pro­mote health, pre­vent dis­ease and guide smarter health and lifestyle choic­es. My goal is to form long-term rela­tion­ships with my patients through trust, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and atten­tion to detail. I am here to lis­ten to your con­cerns, answer ques­tions and empow­er you to take an active role in your health.

Schedule an appointment with Lauren A. O'Connor, APRN, FNP-BC

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Board Certifications
Certified Family Nurse Practitioner
Clinical Interests

Women and chil­dren’s health

Personal Interests

Bak­ing, craft­ing, gar­den­ing, watch­ing base­ball and col­lege football

American Association of Nurse Practitioners

University of Illinois at Chicago Graduation Date: 2006 Degree: Bachelors of Science in Nursing
Lewis University Graduation Date: 2020 Degree: Masters of Science in Nursing


Women's Health