Kayle Zanfardino, PA-C

Bone Health Clinic

Practices In: Lombard, Westmont
Patients Seen: Adults
I am com­mit­ted to deliv­er­ing holis­tic, patient-cen­tered med­ical care, tai­lor­ing treat­ment plans to meet each individual’s unique needs. My approach pri­or­i­tizes atten­tive lis­ten­ing, thor­ough exam­i­na­tions, and clear com­mu­ni­ca­tion to address patient con­cerns and ensure accu­rate diag­noses and effec­tive treat­ments. My ulti­mate goal is to sup­port and empow­er every patient in improv­ing and main­tain­ing their over­all health and well-being.
Professional Certifications
Naloxone Administration, CPR, Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Basic Life Support (BLS), Certified Physician Assistant
Clinical Interests
I am pas­sion­ate about prac­tic­ing med­i­cine through a holis­tic approach. In addi­tion to tra­di­tion­al med­ical ther­a­pies, I strive to inte­grate exer­cise, nutri­tion, and oth­er healthy lifestyle prac­tices into treat­ment plans when appro­pri­ate, pro­mot­ing com­pre­hen­sive and sus­tain­able patient care.
Personal Interests
teach­ing fit­ness class­es, exer­cis­ing, spend­ing time out­doors, read­ing, trav­el­ing, spend­ing time with my family
American Academy of Physician Associates
Loyola University Chicago Graduation Date: 2022 Degree: Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Midwestern University Downers Grove Graduation Date: 2024 Degree: Master of Medical Science in Physician Assistant Studies
Provider’s Research
Physical Exercise as Adjunctive Treatment in Parkinson’s Disease Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience