Kavin Arasar, MD


Practices In: Elmhurst
Patients Seen: Adults

Your rela­tion­ship with your doc­tor is always per­son­al, and as a physi­cian, I see my patients when they are at their most vul­ner­a­ble, whether it’s in the catheter­i­za­tion lab, the hos­pi­tal, or the clin­ic. That is a trust I respect, and my goal as your car­di­ol­o­gist is to help you achieve the best ver­sion of your­self by deliv­er­ing the lat­est evi­dence-based car­diac care. Whether you want to run the next marathon, jog your first mile, or sim­ply have con­cerns about your heart health, I will work with you to help you achieve your goal.

Feb­ru­ary is Amer­i­can Heart Month. At Duly, we offer Coro­nary Cal­ci­um Score CT Scans for $75. Heart scans are used to look for cal­ci­um deposits in the coro­nary arter­ies that can nar­row your arter­ies and increase your heart attack risk. Heart scans can show that you may have a high­er risk of hav­ing a heart attack or oth­er prob­lems before you have any obvi­ous symp­toms of heart dis­ease. To learn more about this scan, click here — it might just save your life! 

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Board Certifications
Internal Medicine, Interventional Cardiology
English, Tamil
Awards & Accolades
Chief Cardiology Fellow 2021
Clinical Interests

Coro­nary artery dis­ease, heart fail­ure, periph­er­al vas­cu­lar dis­ease, gen­er­al car­di­ol­o­gy, pre­ven­tive health care

Personal Interests

Trav­el, run­ning, weight lift­ing, reading

American Medical Association American College of Cardiology Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions
Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital
3815 Highland Avenue Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 630-275-2700 Get Directions
Edward Hospital
801 S. Washington St. Naperville, Illinois 60540 630-527-3000 Get Directions
Elmhurst Memorial Hospital
155 E. Brush Hill Road Elmhurst, Illinois 60126 331-221-1000 Get Directions
Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital
25 North Winfield Road Winfield, Illinois 60190 630-933-1600 Get Directions
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine Graduation Date: 2015 Degree: MD
Wake Forest University, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Resident in Internal Medicine
University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Medicine Cardiology
University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Medicine Interventional Cardiology
Provider’s Research
Arasar K, Briller JE, Naksuk N. Where CHA2DS2-VASC Fails: Thromboembolic Risk with Atrial Fibrillation in Pregnancy. ACC 2019. Crees ZD, Shearrow C, Lin L, Girard J, Arasar K, et al. The EGFR/c-MET and mTOR Signaling Pathways: Prognostic Biomarkers in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Ther Adv Med Oncol. 2020. Mulnix RE, Pitman RT, Retzer A, Bertram C, Arasar K, Crees Z, Girard J, Uppada SB, Stone AL, Puri N. hnRNP C1/C2 and Pur-beta proteins mediate induction of senescence by oligonucleotides homologous to the telomere overhang. Onco Targets Ther. 2013. rasar K, Mosser R, Gannon M. Increased β-cell proliferation and β-cell mass induced through high fat diet in mice. Journal of Clinical Lipidology. June 2013. Traka M, Arasar K, Avila RL, Podojil JR, Christakos A, Miller SD, Soliven B, Popko B. A genetic mouse model of adult-onset, pervasive central nervous system demyelination with robust remyelination. Brain. October 2010.


Complex Coronary Interventions, Coronary CT Angiography, Coronary Interventions, Coronary Stent Placement, Left Heart Catheterization, Lower Extremity Angiography, Peripheral Vascular Intervention, Right Heart Catheterization, Rotational Atherectomy


Angina, Cardiomyopathy, Chronic Heart Failure, Coronary Artery Disease, Dyslipidemia, High Blood Pressure, Peripheral Artery Disease, Structural Heart Disease, Valvular Heart Disease, Women and Heart Disease