Katherine F. Baker, MD

Integrated Oncology Program, Radiation Oncology

Years in Practice: 27 years
Practices In: Lisle
Patients Seen: Adults

I feel it is crit­i­cal to work with my patients’ treat­ment teams to view each patient as an indi­vid­ual from a can­cer per­spec­tive as well as a human per­spec­tive and there­fore strive to deliv­er the best care possible.

Sep­tem­ber is prostate can­cer aware­ness month. Since prostate can­cer is the sec­ond most com­mon form of can­cer in men, start­ing at age 45 for those at an increased risk and age 50 for those at an aver­age risk, screen­ing options are avail­able to help catch can­cer at an ear­ly stage. Take charge of your health and sched­ule with your pri­ma­ry care provider to dis­cuss fam­i­ly his­to­ry and risk fac­tors to deter­mine if screen­ing is right for you.

Board Certifications
Radiation Oncology
Awards & Accolades
Chicago Magazine, Top Doctors 2022
Chicago Magazine, Top Doctors 2021
Chicago Magazine, Top Doctors 2020
Chicago Magazine, Top Doctors 2019
Chicago Magazine, Top Doctors 2018
The Leonard Award 2017
E.K. Van Swearingen Scholarship 2017
Chicago Magazine, Top Doctors 2017
Clinical Interests

Breast can­cer, Gas­troin­testi­nal can­cers, Lym­phomas, Lung cancer

Personal Interests

Spend­ing time with fam­i­ly, Out­door activ­i­ties, Gourmet cooking

American Society for Radiation Oncology American Society of Clinical Oncology The Second International Chicago Symposium on Malignancies of the Chest, Head, & Neck Rush University Department of Radiation Oncology
University of Wisconsin Medical School Graduation Date: 1994 Degree: MD
Rush University Medical Center Chief Resident in Radiation Oncology


Accelerated Fractionation Radiation, Brachytherapy, High-Dose Rate (HDR), Image Guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT), Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), RapidArc® Radiotherapy, Respiratory Gating, Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT), Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS), Stereotactic Radiotherapy (SRT)


Breast Cancer, Gastrointestinal Cancer, Genitourinary Cancer, Gynecologic Cancers, Head and Neck Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Skin Cancer