John Ghassan, MD, Naperville Pediatrician

John Ghassan, DO


98 Ratings
Practices In: Naperville
Patients Seen: Ages Newborn–17

My name is Dr. John or Dr. Ghas­san, whichev­er you and your child pre­fer. I went into pedi­atrics to help elim­i­nate any med­ical, emo­tion­al, behav­ioral or social bar­ri­ers that your child may encounter as they grow and devel­op into young adults. I want every child to have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to suc­ceed at what­ev­er they desire with­out wor­ry­ing about their health. I grew up play­ing bas­ket­ball and vol­ley­ball, so of course my per­son­al prac­tice style is team-based. The team con­sists of the child, the par­ents, me (the pedi­a­tri­cian) and any­one else we may need to include to ensure the health and suc­cess of your child. You should also know that I prac­tice evi­dence-based med­i­cine, and I am con­tin­u­ous­ly read­ing and lis­ten­ing to pod­casts to stay up-to-date on the lat­est changes in med­i­cine. I love teach­ing and keep­ing my fam­i­lies and patients informed. Last­ly, I believe the best pedi­a­tri­cians are intel­li­gent, avail­able, car­ing, fun, hard­work­ing, resource­ful and will always have their patients’ best inter­ests in mind. There­fore, I try to be all that and more for my patients and their families.

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Clinical Interests

ADHD, Pre­ven­tive med­i­cine, Sleep train­ing, Sports phys­i­cals, Weight management. 

Personal Interests

My wife, Han­nah, and I grew up in Naperville, and we are excit­ed to be back home. In 2020, we wel­comed our daugh­ter, Izzie, to the fam­i­ly. The three of us love going on walks out­side, going to parks and eat­ing good food. I also still play bas­ket­ball and sand vol­ley­ball when­ev­er I get the chance.

Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital
3815 Highland Avenue Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 630-275-2700 Get Directions
Edward Hospital
801 S. Washington St. Naperville, Illinois 60540 630-527-3000 Get Directions
Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine Graduation Date: 2018 Degree: DO
Our Lady of the Lake Children's Hospital Resident in Pediatrics


Preventive Care




Ratings Category

The Patient Satisfaction Rating score is an average of all responses to care provider related questions on our independent rating system, the Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Survey. Responses are measured on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best score. Learn more about our patient satisfaction survey.

Patient Satisfaction Rating

98 Ratings

Likelihood of recommending this provider

98 Ratings

Provider included you in decisions

92 Ratings

Provider showed concern

98 Ratings

Provider explained things clearly

97 Ratings

Provider discussed treatment options

97 Ratings


Comments are collected in our Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction Surveys. Patients are de-identified to protect confidentiality and patient privacy. Learn more about our patient satisfaction survey.
"Dr Ghassan is an excellent MD who always takes his time. Very caring MD"
Jan. 29, 2025
"Dr. Ghassan is an amazing Doctor. Nothing but great experiences with him for both of my boys. Dr Ghassan is patient, kind, and thorough. We are lucky to have him as a PCP for both of our children. He goes above and beyond for his patients."
Jan. 28, 2025
"Dr. Ghassan is wonderful. Talks to my children on their level. And explains everything thoroughly."
Dec. 30, 2024
"As long as Dr. Ghassan is practicing medicine, I will drive my kids to any location to receive care from him. He is patient, empathetic, extremely knowledgeable, friendly to the kids, and takes the time to talk through care options. When my infant and toddler have previously been healthy or had the occasional cold, he's been great. But he really exceeded my expectations when my toddler was going through an extremely scary health crisis. Dr. Ghassan took the time to call and check on us while we were in-patient at a hospital -- this was outside of any formally scheduled appointment time. We then did have regular follow ups in which Dr. Ghassan coordinated with our son's multiple other care teams and specialists and referred us to therapy services. As a parent, there's nothing more you can ask for than an invested physician when you are dealing with an ongoing challenge like this. 1000 out of 5 stars! Duly - please take care of this employee. I can now say from experiencing multiple medical groups and many providers, Dr. Ghassan is one of a kind."
Dec. 9, 2024
"Dr. GHASSAN was polite, professional, and respectful. Communication was clear and explained the treatment in detail and allowed time for questions and concerns."
Dec. 6, 2024
"Dr Ghassan is the sweetest and most gentle pediatrician! We're so lucky to have him as Dr!!"
Nov. 14, 2024
"Doctor Ghassan is great! He's polite, very thoughtful, always listen and answers all of ours questions with patient and show concern about ours worries!"
Nov. 5, 2024
"Dr. Ghassan is literally the best doctor we have ever encountered (and we've seen a lot at Duly). He is personable, listens to all concerns, gives his honest insight, and doesn't shame for anything you bring up."
Nov. 3, 2024
"Dr Ghassan and his nurse Melissa are amazing. I would refer any of my friends and family to see him for their children."
Oct. 22, 2024
"My kids like Dr Ghassan we still visit him even though he moved a little further"
Oct. 18, 2024
"Our Dr was awesome, he listened to our kid, examined, explained everything he was checking to our kid and to us, gave health advices and talked to us."
Sep. 12, 2024
"Dr Ghassan is always nice and comprehensive"
Sep. 9, 2024
"Dr Ghassan- amazing all around. He is enthusiast, intelligent, professional, funny, kind, and understanding. He is great with my 2 yr old son. He takes his time and always makes sure we are content with our visit before saying goodbye. 10/10 recommend."
Aug. 7, 2024
"Dr. John Ghassan is great! So warm and approachable which is so important especially for my socially anxious teen."
Aug. 5, 2024
"We love Dr Ghassan! He's great with our son. Listens to all our questions and concerns."
Jul. 31, 2024
"Dr. Ghassan is excellent. He addresses every concern and knows how to speak to children."
Jul. 30, 2024
"Love how Dr. Ghassan listens and explains every thing to us to where we understand. Always come in with questions and concerns, but we always leave satisfied knowing our kids are receiving the best care by the best doctor ever!"
Jul. 23, 2024
"Dr Ghassan had excellent rapport with the patient and answered all questions"
Jul. 2, 2024
"Dr. Ghassan went out of his way to see Robert since he is leaving soon to the Naval Academy & helped resolve a skin issue quickly."
Jun. 26, 2024
"Dr Ghassan is a phenomenal Dr. He knows and remembers so much about my daughter. He even remembered her major for college. He's thorough and he listens to both me and my daughter with any concerns we might have. He's a 10/10 and we will be sad when she has to stop seeing him due to her age! I've recommended him to others and everyone has felt the same! Please keep him as he is the best pediatrician we have ever seen! He is also great with athletes as an athlete himself. He understands their needs and what it's like for them. I can't say enough about Dr Ghassan. I will continue to recommend him!"
Jun. 25, 2024
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