I believe in building strong connections and relationships with my patients. By taking time to listen, I am better able to understand their concerns, and approach the treatment plan with their outcome goals in mind. I am a firm believer in empowering patients through shared decision making and informative dialogue. Encouraging their proactive attitudes and actions allows me to treat my patients to the best of my abilities.

Ima Jonkheer, DO, MS
Duly Ortho Now, Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine
Diagnosing and treating acute sports or activity related injuries including sprains, strains, ligamentous injury, contusions, fractures, or other illnesses related to activity. Injury prevention in athletes as well as rehabilitation in sports, exercise, or physical activity related medical issues. Treating musculoskeletal disorders related to occupations and degenerative joint disease. Utilizing Osteopathic Manual Therapies to prevent and treat myofascial conditions common in the active patient. Special interest in the post-partum patient with pelvic floor dysfunction.
I enjoy spending time with my family, learning how to play golf, and watching sporting events. Most nights of the week, I integrate cooking as part of my wellness ritual as well as any opportunity to travel and explore. Being in the company of my family and close friends is what brings me the most joy.