Faizan Khan, DO


Practices In: Naperville
Patients Seen: Adults

Patient care and patient sat­is­fac­tion is my top pri­or­i­ty. I believe in a holis­tic approach in treat­ing patients which involves mind, body and soul.

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English, Urdu, Hindi
Clinical Interests

Colonoscopy, Esoph­a­gus, stom­ach and small bow­el dis­ease, Inflam­ma­to­ry Bow­el dis­ease (Crohn’s dis­ease and ulcer­a­tive col­i­tis), Liv­er, pan­creas and colon pathol­o­gy, PEG tube place­ment, Upper endoscopy 

Personal Interests

My fam­i­ly life is over­whelm­ing­ly impor­tant to me and is cen­tral to who I am. I also enjoy sports, both play­ing and watch­ing, espe­cial­ly cricket.

American College of Osteopathic Medicine American Osteopathic Association (AOA) American College of Osteopathic Internists (ACOI) Illinois Osteopathic Medical Society (IOMS) American College of Gastroenterology (ACG)
Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital
25 North Winfield Road Winfield, Illinois 60190 630-933-1600 Get Directions
Midwestern University College of Osteopathic Medicine Graduation Date: 2011 Degree: DO
Loyola University Chicago Graduation Date: 2005 Degree: Bachelor of Science in Biology
Franciscan St. James Health Resident in Internal Medicine
Franciscan St. James Health Fellowship in Gastroenterology
Provider’s Publications
Self-expandable metal stent placement as a viable approach for stomal stenosis: A Case Series Faizan Khan, DO; Laura Hamad M.D., Ronya Kawji, Charles Berkelhammer M.D., Kamran Ayub M.D. ACG
Endoscopic Ultrasound Directed Pseudocyst Drainage without the use of Fluoroscopy: A Case Series Faizan Khan,DO, Omar Majdobeh, Ronya Kawji, Laura Hamad, Zubin Patel, Charles Berkelhammer, Kamran Ayub.
Spyglass Spyscope Utility in Unusual Settings: A Case Series Faizan Ali Khan DO, Fares Hamad DO, Kristin Gisselman MS –IV, Kamran Ayub, MD, MRCP.; Digestive Disease Week (DDW)
Endoscopic ultrasound-directed core biopsy of the liver for diffuse hepatic disease (ACG presidential Poster Award) Fares Hamad DO, Faizan Khan DO, Nawaz, Mustafa DO, Kamran Ayub MD, MRCP; Digestive Disease Week (DDW)
Endoscopic Ampullectomy of Minor Ampulla Neoplasms: A Case Series Farhoud Khosravi, DO, Faizan Ali Khan, DO Carl Atallah, DO, Megan Linaberry, PA-C, Kamran Ayub, MD, MRCP.
Sphincter of Oddi Manometry in a Community Hospital Faizan Khan, DO; Laura Hamad M.D., Ronya Kawji, Charles Berkelhammer M.D., Kamran Ayub M.D. ACG
Dysphagia Megalatriensis Caused by Enlarged Left Atrium and Pulmonary Vein Faizan A. Khan, DO, Yameen Rashid, DO, Farhoud Khosravi, DO, Carl Atallah, DO, Mark Efrusy, DO, FACG. ACG
A Case of Duodenal Ulcers caused by Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome- a rarity Faizan Ali Khan, DO, Shareq Iqbal, DO, Farhoud Khosarvi, DO, John Kniaz, DO, FACG.