Erin Klein, MSPT

General Physical Therapy, Physical & Occupational Therapy

Practices In: Bloomingdale
Patients Seen: Ages 25+

Under­stand­ing my patien­t’s goals will help me devel­op an indi­vid­u­al­ized plan of care to ensure they are able to return to their high­est lev­el of func­tion and qual­i­ty of life after injury/​surgery. Lis­ten­ing to my patients, pro­vid­ing feed­back and assist­ing them to make lifestyle changes will pre­vent re-injury and improve their over­all health and wellness.

Clinical Interests

Fall pre­ven­tion, geri­atric rehab, bal­ance ther­a­py, total joint reha­bil­i­ta­tion, gen­er­al phys­i­cal therapy

Personal Interests

Spend­ing time with my hus­band, 3 kids and 2 gold­en retriev­ers; cook­ing, read­ing, exer­cise, watch­ing Uni­ver­si­ty of Kansas bas­ket­ball and vaca­tions to the moun­tains or the beach

University of Kansas Graduation Date: 1998 Degree: BSE
University of Kansas Medical Center Graduation Date: 2000 Degree: MSPT


Balance Training, Body Mechanics, Core Stabilization, Fall Prevention, Flexibility Training, Joint Protection, Therapeutic Exercises, Total Joint Rehabilitation

