Emily K. Skrzypczak, NP

Internal Medicine, Pediatrics

Practices In: Lombard
Patients Seen: All Ages

Health is a state of com­plete phys­i­cal, men­tal and social well-being, and not mere­ly the absence of dis­ease or infir­mi­ty”. I enjoy tak­ing a holis­tic approach to my per­son­al prac­tice. I find that patient sat­is­fac­tion comes from deep com­pas­sion and care for not only their med­ical or phys­i­cal con­cerns but also the pro­mo­tion of opti­mal well-being. I val­ue rela­tion­ship-based care, not only instill­ing a sense of trust but also all-around patient advocacy.

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Clinical Interests

I have an inter­est in the pre­ven­tion and man­age­ment of chron­ic con­di­tions such as hyper­ten­sion, dia­betes, high cho­les­terol and arthri­tis. Pri­ma­ry care has an impor­tant place in not only dis­ease man­age­ment but also detect­ing risk fac­tors to pre­vent the devel­op­ment of future dis­ease thus pro­mot­ing well­ness and not just evad­ing illness.

Personal Interests

Out­side of work, I enjoy spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly and being out­doors. I enjoy horse­back rid­ing, read­ing and yoga (prefer­ably on a beach!)

The American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)
Northern Illinois University Graduation Date: 2013 Degree: BSN
Chamberlain University Graduation Date: 2018 Degree: Masters in Nursing/Post-Masters Advanced Practice Registered Nurse