Ellen Hao, PT, DPT

Physical & Occupational Therapy

Practices In: Lombard
Patients Seen: Ages 12+

When I was first intro­duced to Phys­i­cal Ther­a­py, I was inspired by the change in mood and ener­gy of clients through­out their reha­bil­i­ta­tion. By work­ing with clients as a team mem­ber, I want to help them get back to the activ­i­ties that are mean­ing­ful to them. I will always put a patien­t’s per­son­al goals at the fore­front of our jour­ney together.

Clinical Interests

I enjoy work­ing with chron­ic pain patients to find the best way to inspire move­ment and reduce pain. I also have expe­ri­ence with post-op total joint replace­ments, chron­ic low back pain, chron­ic neck pain, and more. 

Personal Interests

I enjoy lis­ten­ing to music and attend­ing con­cert events. I also love to go to the movies, read, or find fun city events or attrac­tions to attend.

University of Illinois at Chicago Graduation Date: 2019 Degree: Bachelor's of Rehabilitation Sciences


Body Mechanics, Core Stabilization, Desensitization, Edema Control/Lymphedema Management, Electrical Stimulation, Ergonomics, Functionally-based Rehabilitation, Injury Prevention, Joint Mobilization, Joint Protection, Manual Therapy, Therapeutic Exercises


Chronic Inflammatory Pain Disorders