Doré Robinson, DO

Duly Ortho Now, Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine

Practices In: Oak Lawn, Orland Hills
Patients Seen: All Ages

My phi­los­o­phy of care is to treat each patient as a whole, rather than just treat­ing a symp­tom. My goal is to help aug­ment the body’s abil­i­ty to heal itself, and to iden­ti­fy and mod­i­fy any fac­tors which may pre­dis­pose to injury. As an ath­lete myself, I am famil­iar with the unique demands that sports place on an indi­vid­ual, and treat injuries with empa­thy and com­pas­sion. I believe the best treat­ment strate­gies involve a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary approach cen­tered around the patient.

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Board Certifications
Sports Medicine, CAQ in Sports Medicine
Awards & Accolades
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine resident teacher award 2011
Clinical Interests

Pri­ma­ry care sports med­i­cine, non-oper­a­tive ortho­pe­dics. I have a spe­cial inter­est in knee injuries and arthri­tis as well as injury pre­ven­tion, but I treat every­thing includ­ing con­cus­sions, frac­tures, sprain/​strains, overuse injuries, ten­dini­tis, and work relat­ed injuries. I treat neck, back, hip, shoul­der, knee, elbow, wrist, hand, foot, and ankle conditions. 

Personal Interests

I enjoy com­pet­ing in nat­ur­al body­build­ing com­pe­ti­tions, and I have earned my pro cards in sev­er­al divi­sions in the Inter­na­tion­al Physique League (IPL) includ­ing body­build­ing, fig­ure, ath­let­ic, sports mod­el, wings, and evening gown. I like to play golf, and ten­nis, as well as par­tic­i­pate in obsta­cle courses/​mud runs, and hot yoga. I enjoy spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly and our 2 dogs Diesel and GG (rot­tweil­ers).

American Academy for Sports Medicine
Midwestern University Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine Graduation Date: 2008 Degree: DO
Advocate Christ Medical Center Resident in Family Medicine
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Sports Medicine Fellowship
Provider’s Publications
“A Case of Cauda Equina Syndrome caused by a Simple Sneeze” Osteopathic Family Physician, Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan/Feb 2011, p.27-29.
February 2011
Provider’s Research
"Cryoneurolysis for treatment of Knee pain secondary to osteoarthritis: a retrospective review" poster presented at AMSSM annual meeting April 2015