Claire Mantey, PT

General Physical Therapy, Neurologic Therapy, Physical & Occupational Therapy

Practices In: Glen Ellyn
Patients Seen: Ages 11+

I strive to obtain strong ther­a­peu­tic alliances with my patients to allow oppor­tu­ni­ty for edu­ca­tion and treat­ment. I work to estab­lish mutu­al goals with my patients to allow them to return to doing what they love most. I believe it is impor­tant to pro­vide patients with the nec­es­sary tools for long term main­te­nance of their progress in phys­i­cal therapy.


Professional Certifications
Graston Technique, Dementia Capable Care Specialist
Awards & Accolades
American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) National Physical Therapy Student Honor Society 2023
Clinical Interests

Gen­er­al ortho­pe­dic con­di­tions, gait and bal­ance dis­or­ders, post-oper­a­tive joint replacements.

Personal Interests

Out­side of work, I enjoy spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly and friends. I enjoy spend­ing time out­doors, hik­ing, and have a goal of vis­it­ing all of the US Nation­al Parks.

Carroll University Graduation Date: 2021 Degree: Bachelor of Science - Exercise Science
Carroll University Graduation Date: 2023 Degree: Doctor of Physical Therapy


ASTYM/Graston, Body Mechanics, Core Stabilization, Ergonomics, Functionally-based Rehabilitation, Injury Prevention, Joint Mobilization, Manual Therapy, Proprioceptive, Therapeutic Exercises


Gait and Balance Disorders, General Musculoskeletal Disorders/Injuries