Chris Kolyvas, MD


Practices In: Joliet, New Lenox
Patients Seen: Ages 18+

I have been prac­tic­ing car­di­ol­o­gy for 26 years with my phi­los­o­phy being to edu­cate, sup­port and encour­age patients and their fam­i­lies to be involved in their care. I take time to answer patien­t’s ques­tions about their con­di­tions and treat­ment options. Many patients I see require inva­sive pro­ce­dures and it is impor­tant they under­stand the risks and ben­e­fits of these pro­ce­dures as well as all oth­er non­in­va­sive options to treat their con­di­tion such as lifestyle changes and med­ical inter­ven­tions. I am avail­able for ques­tions even after patients leave the office. I believe in com­pas­sion­ate and respect­ful care for patients as if they were my own family.

Qual­i­ty mat­ters when it comes to sup­ple­ments. Whether you’re new or expe­ri­enced with sup­ple­ments, trust­ed, qual­i­ty options can sup­port your immu­ni­ty, heart health, and nutri­ent intake. Duly has part­nered with Fullscript, offer­ing access to high-qual­i­ty sup­ple­ments deliv­ered direct­ly to your door. Ask your provider about Fullscript at your next vis­it and receive exclu­sive discounts.


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Board Certifications
Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology
English, Spanish, Greek
Awards & Accolades
Rated as Top 3 Cardiologist - 2000
Patient Choice Award 2000
Physician of the Year Finalist 2012 at Presence St. Joseph Medical Center 2012
Physician of the Year at St. Joseph Hospital, Joliet 2018
Clinical Interests

Car­di­ol­o­gy, Inter­ven­tion­al car­di­ol­o­gy, Vas­cu­lar dis­ease, Coro­nary, Periph­er­al, Carotid and Valvu­lar dis­ease, Arrhyth­mias, Con­ges­tive heart fail­ure, High blood pres­sure, Cho­les­terol abnor­mal­i­ties, Blood clots, Pul­monary hyper­ten­sion, Heart relat­ed dis­or­ders, Angiograms, Angio­plas­ties and IVC fil­ter place­ment and removal 

Personal Interests

My time is ded­i­cat­ed to my fam­i­ly, faith and friends but I like to golf, fish and hike

American College of Cardiology American Medical Association (AMA)
Ascension Saint Joseph Hospital, Joliet
333 Madison Street Joliet, Illinois 60435 815-725-7133 Get Directions
Morris Hospital & Healthcare Centers
150 West High Street Morris, Illinois 60450 815-942-2932 Get Directions
Palos Community Hospital
12251 South 80th Avenue, Brook Lane Palos Heights, Illinois 60463 708-923-4000 Get Directions
Silver Cross Hospital
1900 Silver Cross Boulevard New Lenox, Illinois 60451 815-300-1100 Get Directions
Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine Graduation Date: 1987 Degree: MD
Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine Resident in Internal Medicine
Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine Cardiology
Provider’s Research
Currently primary investigator for Platinum trial at Presence St. Joseph Medical Center site


24-Hour Holter Monitoring, 30-Day Event Monitoring, CT (Computed Axial Tomography), Cardiac Stress Testing, Cardiac Testing, CardioMEMS™, Cardioversion, Complex Coronary Interventions, Complex Coronary Interventions, Coronary CT Angiography, Coronary Stent Placement, Diagnostic Testing, EKG Stress Testing, Echocardiographic Stress Testing, Echocardiography Stress Testing, Electrocardiogram (EKG), Heart Failure Clinic, Imaging, Left Heart Catheterization, Lower Extremity Angiography, MUGA Testing, Peripheral Interventions, Pharmacologic Stress Testing, Right Heart Catheterization, Rotational Atherectomy, Tilt Table Testing, Vascular Stenting