Carrie Erwin, RN, MSN, OCN

Hematology & Oncology, Integrated Oncology Program

Practices In: Lisle
Patients Seen: Ages 18+

As a nurse nav­i­ga­tor, a pri­or­i­ty of mine is to pro­vide my patients with high qual­i­ty and com­pas­sion­ate care. My goal is for my patients to under­stand their diag­no­sis and treat­ment plan and help ease their can­cer jour­ney by pro­vid­ing edu­ca­tion and sup­port to my patients and their fam­i­lies. I believe in uti­liz­ing best prac­tices and I am com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing my patients with excel­lent care.

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Board Certifications
Chemotherapy & Biotherapy Certification, Oncology Certified Nurse (OCN)
Awards & Accolades
Sigma Theta Tau, The National Honor Society for Nursing 2013
Judith Wroble Scholarship 2013
Nursing Excellence Award, Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital 2015
Clinical Interests

GI can­cers, Skin/​melanoma and soft tis­sue can­cers, Can­cer resources and sup­port ser­vices for patients and their fam­i­ly members

Personal Interests

Spend­ing time with my hus­band, our three daugh­ters and our dog Chloe, Spend­ing time out­doors, Work­ing out, Watch­ing movies, Bike rid­ing, Bak­ing, Lis­ten­ing to music

Oncology Nursing Society
Benedictine University Graduation Date: 2013 Degree: MSN
Quincy University Graduation Date: 2005 Degree: BSN