Carmina Domingo, DO


Practices In: Aurora, Wheaton
Patients Seen: Adults

We all come from dif­fer­ent walks of life, with expe­ri­ences and sto­ries that make us all unique. I am lucky that I work in a field that allows to me to be able to spend time with each one of my patients, allow­ing me to lis­ten to their sto­ries in order to gain a greater under­stand­ing of their con­di­tion so that I am able to pro­vide the help and sup­port they need to recover.

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Board Certifications
Professional Certifications
Clinical Neurophysiology
Clinical Interests

I have a spe­cif­ic inter­est in neu­ro­mus­cu­lar con­di­tions, such as ALS and Myas­the­nia Gravis. How­ev­er, I love the field of neu­rol­o­gy and will able to help sup­port you in the man­age­ment of any of your neu­ro­log­ic conditions.

Personal Interests

Play­ing with my tod­dler son and watch­ing him grow into a lit­tle human being. DIY week­end projects with my handy spouse. Hiking/​running/​biking around the won­der­ful trails in the area.

American Academy of Neurology American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine
West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine Graduation Date: 2011 Degree: DO
National Capital Consortium, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD Resident in Neurology
University of Maryland Clinical Neurophysiology


Botox for Migraines, Botox for Movement Disorder, EMG/NCV Testing, Occipital Nerve Block, Small Fiber Neuropathy Skin Biopsy