Brittany Medley, LE

Duly Aesthetics

Practices In: Glen Ellyn
Patients Seen: Ages 14+

My per­son­al prac­tice style is being relat­able and per­son­able with my patients. I want to make sure that they are com­fort­able and trust in me while we go through the motions, in a time that may or may not be dif­fi­cult for them. I like to bring aware­ness to patients that they are not the only one with spe­cif­ic con­cerns, share my exper­tise and be upfront and hon­est about their care. I pride myself in pay­ing atten­tion to detail to ful­ly tai­lor a plan that suits them as we take this jour­ney as a team.

Professional Certifications
Microneedling, Cosmetic Laser Procedures, Laser Safety
Clinical Interests

The dif­fer­ent inter­ests I have with­in my spe­cial­ty stem from the abil­i­ty to help my patients with their phys­i­cal appear­ance. To help them achieve the look they’ve always want­ed and main­tain that, as well as address­ing things that they may be self-con­scious about. Over­all, I enjoy help­ing their con­fi­dence and assist­ing in mak­ing my patients look and feel their best.

Personal Interests

How I spend my time out­side of work is usu­al­ly with my fam­i­ly and friends. Depend­ing on the what the weath­er per­mits you can usu­al­ly find me out­side soak­ing up the sun, read­ing, cook­ing, or sim­ply just loung­ing around!

Hair Professionals Career College Graduation Date: 2017 Degree: Aesthetician
National Laser Institute Graduation Date: 2017 Degree: Cosmetic Laser Technician, Microneedling Technician


BBL, Customized Facial, Dermaplaning, Fire and Ice Facial, Forever Young BBL, Halo™ Laser, Halo™ and Halo™ Pro, Hydrafacial®, Hydrojelly™ Mask, Laser Hair Removal, Personalized Skincare Consultation, Phototherapy/BBL (Broadband Light), SkinMedica® Illuminize Peel®, SkinMedica® Rejuvenize Peel™, SkinMedica® Vitalize Peel®, SkinPen® Microneedling, VI Peel®