Brian Kadow, MD

Integrated Oncology Program, Urology

Practices In: Lisle
Patients Seen: Adolescents and Adults

Lis­ten­ing is an essen­tial part of my job, as it allows me to bet­ter under­stand my patient’s symp­toms and how their med­ical con­di­tion affects their qual­i­ty of life. I believe in tak­ing a col­lab­o­ra­tive approach with each patient, so that they feel empow­ered and involved in their care. To do this, I strive to edu­cate my patients on all aspects of their med­ical issue and ensure I have thor­ough­ly answered all of their ques­tions. I want to ensure that they ful­ly under­stand their diag­no­sis and all avail­able treat­ment options so that we can select the best pos­si­ble plan of care that takes into con­sid­er­a­tion their lifestyle and goals.

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Board Certifications
Awards & Accolades
First Place, Resident Essay Competition - Adult Urology Visiting Professorship 2013
Clinical Interests

Uro­log­ic oncol­o­gy and gen­i­touri­nary can­cers (adren­al nod­ules, blad­der, kid­ney, prostate and tes­tic­u­lar can­cers), Benign pro­sta­t­ic hyper­pla­sia (BPH), Erec­tile dys­func­tion (ED), Infer­til­i­ty, Min­i­mal­ly-inva­sive and robot-assist­ed surgery, Uri­nary stone dis­ease, Vasec­to­my care

Personal Interests

Spend­ing time with fam­i­ly, Exer­cise, Base­ball, Electronics.

American Urologic Association Society of Urologic Oncology
AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center, Hinsdale
120 North Oak Street Hinsdale, Illinois 60521 630-856-9000 Get Directions
Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital
3815 Highland Avenue Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 630-275-2700 Get Directions
Edward Hospital
801 S. Washington St. Naperville, Illinois 60540 630-527-3000 Get Directions
Elmhurst Memorial Hospital
155 E. Brush Hill Road Elmhurst, Illinois 60126 331-221-1000 Get Directions
Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital
25 North Winfield Road Winfield, Illinois 60190 630-933-1600 Get Directions
Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine Graduation Date: 2011 Degree: MD
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Resident in Urology
Fox Chase Cancer Center Urologic Oncology
Provider’s Publications
Link to PubMed Published Articles
January 2018




Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)