Babak Pazooki, MD, MS, FACE


Practices In: Tinley Park
Patients Seen: Ages 18+

I believe in patient-cen­tered” med­i­cine. My goal is to pro­vide an out­stand­ing endocrinol­o­gy ser­vice at which each and every patient is viewed as a unique indi­vid­ual whose treat­ment should revolve around his or her unique health­care needs and per­son­al­ized goals. Such ser­vice, when com­bined with med­ical deci­sions based on the patient’s pref­er­ences and up-to-date sci­en­tif­ic research, pro­vides the great­est outcomes.

Qual­i­ty mat­ters when it comes to sup­ple­ments. Whether you’re new or expe­ri­enced with sup­ple­ments, trust­ed, qual­i­ty options can sup­port your immu­ni­ty, heart health, and nutri­ent intake. Duly has part­nered with Fullscript, offer­ing access to high-qual­i­ty sup­ple­ments deliv­ered direct­ly to your door. Ask your provider about Fullscript and our exclu­sive dis­counts at your next visit.

Care Team

Need an appointment sooner? While your primary care provider or specialist are the anchor of your care team, their advanced practice providers and physician partners are available to provide care when you need it.

Care Team

Need an appointment sooner? While your primary care provider or specialist are the anchor of your care team, their advanced practice providers and physician partners are available to provide care when you need it.

Board Certifications
Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Awards & Accolades
Fellow: American College of Endocrinology 2000
Clinical Interests

Gen­er­al endocrinology

Personal Interests

Spend­ing time with fam­i­ly and chil­dren and travel

American College of Physicians American College of Endocrinology American Association for Physician Leadership
Ascension Saint Joseph Hospital, Joliet
333 Madison Street Joliet, Illinois 60435 815-725-7133 Get Directions
Iran University of Medical Sciences Graduation Date: 1994 Degree: MD
BronxCare System, Albert Einstein College of Medicine Internal Medicine
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Endocrinology
Provider’s Research
Masters in Science degree (MS) from McGill University (Montreal, Canada) for research in Physiology and Molecular Biology


Thyroid and Parathyroid Ultrasound, Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration of the Thyroid


Adrenal Disorders, Bone Disorders, Continuous Glucose Monitoring, Diabetes, Insulin Pump Therapy, Parathyroid Disorders, Pituitary Disorders, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Thyroid Disorders