Ashley Moja, MD

Internal Medicine

Years in Practice: 11 years
Practices In: Lisle
Patients Seen: Ages 18+

My goal as a physi­cian is to pro­mote health. I believe that many health issues can be pre­vent­ed by lifestyle choic­es and appro­pri­ate screen­ing. I think it is impor­tant to edu­cate patients to under­stand their health issues. I work close­ly with patients when decid­ing treat­ment options. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion is key between a patient and physician.

Qual­i­ty mat­ters when it comes to sup­ple­ments. Whether you’re new or expe­ri­enced with sup­ple­ments, trust­ed, qual­i­ty options can sup­port your immu­ni­ty, heart health, and nutri­ent intake. Duly has part­nered with Fullscript, offer­ing access to high-qual­i­ty sup­ple­ments deliv­ered direct­ly to your door. Ask your provider about Fullscript at your next vis­it and receive exclu­sive discounts.

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Board Certifications
Internal Medicine
Clinical Interests

Pri­ma­ry Care, Wom­en’s health, Men’s health, Pre­ven­tive care, Hyper­ten­sion, Car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease, Dia­betes, High cholesterol

Personal Interests

Spend­ing time with my fam­i­ly and friends, Swim­ming, Cook­ing, Travel

Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital
3815 Highland Avenue Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 630-275-2700 Get Directions
Edward Hospital
801 S. Washington St. Naperville, Illinois 60540 630-527-3000 Get Directions
Elmhurst Memorial Hospital
155 E. Brush Hill Road Elmhurst, Illinois 60126 331-221-1000 Get Directions
Northwestern Medicine Central DuPage Hospital
25 North Winfield Road Winfield, Illinois 60190 630-933-1600 Get Directions
Southern Illinois University Graduation Date: 2010 Degree: MD
University of Illinois at Chicago Resident in Internal Medicine
Provider’s Publications
Decreased Mortality Associated With Prompt Gram Staining of Blood Cultures
January 2000


Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Hypertension