Arianne Comoro, PT, DPT

General Physical Therapy, Physical & Occupational Therapy, Sports Medicine Therapy

Practices In: Oak Lawn
Patients Seen: Ages 8+

Noth­ing is more reward­ing than a patient exceed­ing their goals. My way of treat­ment has always been based on treat­ing the patient instead of the injury.

English, Filipino
Clinical Interests

Sports Med­i­cine, Shoul­der and Knee injuries, Gen­er­al mus­cu­loskele­tal injuries

Personal Interests

I love trav­el­ing and spend­ing time out­doors- hik­ing, long walks with my pup, play­ing ulti­mate Fris­bee or foot­ball. For my down­time, I enjoy cook­ing and eating.

University of Illinois at Chicago Graduation Date: 2015 Degree: Kinesiology- Movement Science
Nova Southeastern University Graduation Date: 2018 Degree: Doctor of Physical Therapy


Athletic Training & Balance Activities, Body Mechanics, Closed Kinetic Chain Rehab, Core Stabilization, Joint Mobilization, Manual Therapy, Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy