April Gallik, DNP, APRN

Internal Medicine

Accepting patients beginning 11/01/2024
Practices In: Lisle
Patients Seen: Adults
The num­ber of geri­atric patients is steadi­ly ris­ing. As a prac­ti­tion­er in geri­atrics, I take pride in pro­vid­ing med­ical care for aging adults, address­ing phys­i­cal frailty, man­ag­ing mul­ti­ple med­ica­tions, and treat­ing com­plex and chron­ic con­di­tions, includ­ing age-relat­ed dis­eases like osteo­poro­sis. My approach empha­sizes pre­ven­ta­tive and holis­tic care. I val­ue tak­ing the time to get to know my patients, under­stand­ing their per­spec­tives, and cre­at­ing health­care goals that align with their needs. Our geri­atric pop­u­la­tion requires care­givers who can lis­ten, adapt, and ensure they enjoy a good qual­i­ty of life.

Receive a FREE clin­i­cal breast exam from our High Risk Breast Clin­ic providers dur­ing Octo­ber for Breast Can­cer Aware­ness Month. Call 331−551−5473 or sched­ule your clin­i­cal breast exam online today.

Professional Certifications
Basic Life Support (BLS), American Association of Nurse Practitioners
Awards & Accolades
Nurse Practitioner of the Year 2024
Clinical Interests
Med­ical inter­ests with­in my spe­cial­ty include but are not lim­it­ed to, Con­ges­tive Heart Fail­ure, Dia­betes Mel­li­tus (insulin and non-insulin depen­dent), Chron­ic Kid­ney Dis­ease, End Stage Renal Dis­ease, Liv­er Dis­ease, Demen­tia, Alzheimer’s, Poly­sub­stance abuse, COPD, Emphy­se­ma, Asth­ma, Periph­er­al Artery Dis­ease, Stroke, Schiz­o­phre­nia, Schizoaf­fec­tive, Bipo­lar, MDD, GAD, GERD, Chrons, H.Pylori, Hepati­tis, Diver­ti­c­uli­tis, Cellulitis,
Personal Interests
My per­son­al inter­ests include rid­ing roller coast­ers, spend­ing time with fam­i­ly, going to the movies, cook­ing, bak­ing, and dancing.
AANP Advanced Practice Provider Council Member
Rush University Rush University Adult Gerontology Primary Care Graduation Date: 2020 Degree: DNP, APRN
DuPage Medical Group (Maleeha Basha, MD) DNP, APRN
Provider’s Publications
A Quality Improvement Project to Increase Utilization of an Urgent Care Clinic for Cancer