Anthony Badway, MSN, PMHNP-BC

Behavioral & Mental Health, Psychiatry

Practices In: Lisle
Patients Seen: Adults

I believe every patient deserves com­pas­sion­ate, holis­tic care that respects their indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. My approach cen­ters on build­ing col­lab­o­ra­tive rela­tion­ships, focus­ing on the whole per­son — body, mind, and spir­it. I cre­ate a sup­port­ive, non­judg­men­tal envi­ron­ment where you feel com­fort­able dis­cussing your con­cerns, and I pri­or­i­tize open com­mu­ni­ca­tion to ensure we make informed deci­sions togeth­er. By work­ing with you on your health jour­ney, I aim to empow­er you to reach your well­ness goals with respect and under­stand­ing at every step.

Professional Certifications
Basic Life Support (BLS), American Nurses Credentialing Center, Certified Nurse Practitioner
Awards & Accolades
The Daisy Award 2021
President, Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society 2021
Shining Star Award 2023
Class Speaker, College of DuPage Nursing Pinning Ceremony 2021
Speaker, College of DuPage Scholarship Celebration 2019
Clinical Interests

Anx­i­ety, Depres­sion, Bipo­lar, ADHD, Schizophrenia

Personal Interests

Out­side of med­i­cine, I’m pas­sion­ate about music — I play gui­tar, drums, piano, and love to sing. I also enjoy stay­ing active by play­ing bas­ket­ball and exer­cis­ing reg­u­lar­ly. Trav­el­ing is some­thing my fam­i­ly and I look for­ward to, and I tru­ly val­ue qual­i­ty time with my wife and chil­dren. These activ­i­ties help me stay bal­anced and bring a lot of joy into my life.

Wilkes University Graduation Date: 2024 Degree: Master of Science in Nursing
College of DuPage Graduation Date: 2021 Degree: Associate in Applied Science in Nursing
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Graduation Date: 2004 Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration