Amanda Larrea, MPA, RDN, LDN

Hematology & Oncology

Practices In: Plainfield, Tinley Park
Patients Seen: Adults

It is my joy to help oth­ers nour­ish them­selves prop­er­ly through all stages of care. My nutri­tion phi­los­o­phy is that all foods fit. Food does more than just give us ener­gy, it heals, it can help reduce or pre­vent chron­ic dis­eases, and it can bring peo­ple togeth­er. Under­stand­ing the unique nutri­tion­al needs and chal­lenges that can­cer patients face allows me to work close­ly with them to cre­ate a per­son­al­ized nutri­tion plan with evi­dence-based rec­om­men­da­tions to sup­port their treat­ment and over­all health.

Schedule an appointment with Amanda Larrea, MPA, RDN, LDN

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Professional Certifications
Leadership and Project Management
Clinical Interests

Oncol­o­gy and eat­ing disorders.

Personal Interests

Lis­ten­ing to Tay­lor Swift, drink­ing cof­fee, and car­ing for my three cats.

Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Oncology Nutrition DPG South Suburban Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Benedictine University Graduation Date: 2020 Degree: Bachelor's of Science in Nutrition & Dietetics
Murray State University Graduation Date: 2022 Degree: Master's of Public Administration