Allison Venzon, MD

Family Medicine

Practices In: Lombard
Patients Seen: All Ages
My style of prac­tice is full-spec­trum, col­lab­o­ra­tive, and human­is­tic. I enjoy car­ing for every stage of a per­son­’s life, from pre­na­tal care, through child­hood, adult­hood, and elder­ly care. Each phase of life has its joys and its chal­lenges, and I enjoy help­ing folks through these var­i­ous stages. I believe a qual­i­ty life means not just car­ing for the body, but for the entire per­son. As your doc­tor, I will want to work along­side you to accom­plish your goals for your body, mind, and spir­it as a team­mate to your well­ness jour­ney. If this sounds like a good fit to you, I would be hon­ored to help in your care.

Receive a FREE clin­i­cal breast exam from our High Risk Breast Clin­ic providers dur­ing Octo­ber for Breast Can­cer Aware­ness Month. Call 331−551−5473 or sched­ule your clin­i­cal breast exam online today.

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Board Certifications
Neonatal Resuscitation Program, Board Certified American Board of Family Medicine, American Academy of Family Physicians
Professional Certifications
Family Medicine, Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Basic Life Support (BLS), Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP)
English, Spanish
Clinical Interests
As a fam­i­ly med­i­cine physi­cian, I have a broad scope of train­ing. I am pas­sion­ate about men­tal health care, and can care for con­di­tions includ­ing depres­sion, anx­i­ety, grief, and ADHD. I also enjoy wom­en’s health and can pro­vide you with coun­sel­ing on fam­i­ly plan­ning as well as place IUDs and Nex­planons in office, if desired. Care of expect­ing par­ents is a joy of mine, so if you would like either pre­con­cep­tion coun­sel­ing or pre­na­tal care, I would be hap­py to assist. I am cur­rent­ly work­ing with Duly for the poten­tial to do low-risk deliv­er­ies in the future, so stay tuned for details.
Personal Interests
When I’m not in the office, I enjoy read­ing or writ­ing my own sto­ries, singing karaōke, swing danc­ing with my hus­band, play­ing video games (The Leg­end of Zel­da is a par­tic­u­lar favorite), ski­ing in the win­ter, chill­ing with my two cats, and await­ing the arrival of my daugh­ter this fall.
AAFP Member
Creighton University School of Medicine Graduation Date: 2021 Degree: MD
University of Minnesota Family Medicine Residency--Woodwinds Hospital Resident of Family Medicine and Community Health