Alex Tadevich, PT, DPT

General Physical Therapy, Physical & Occupational Therapy

Practices In: Burr Ridge
Patients Seen: Ages 9+

I strive to pro­vide com­pas­sion­ate care which cen­ters around the patien­t’s con­cerns and goals when devel­op­ing a treat­ment plan. I aim to assist each patient in reach­ing their high­est pos­si­ble lev­el of func­tion to max­i­mize qual­i­ty of life.

English, Spanish
Clinical Interests

Ortho­pe­dics, Post-oper­a­tive Care, Vestibu­lar Reha­bil­i­ta­tion, Bal­ance Training

Personal Interests

Play­ing and watch­ing sports, going to con­certs, out­door activ­i­ties, triv­ia, movies, spend­ing time with friends and family.

Saint Louis University Graduation Date: 2017 Degree: BS, Exercise Science
Saint Louis University Graduation Date: 2019 Degree: DPT


Athletic Training & Balance Activities, Body Mechanics, Core Stabilization, Joint Mobilization, Manual Therapy, Therapeutic Exercises


General Musculoskeletal Disorders/Injuries