Adam Schwark, MD


Practices In: Naperville
Patients Seen: Adults

Through­out my med­ical train­ing, I have seen how dif­fi­cult it is for patients to receive the care they need when they do not have a sol­id back and forth rela­tion­ship with their physi­cian. My goal is to build con­nec­tions and rap­port with all my patients so they leave their appoint­ments with a good under­stand­ing of their diag­no­sis as well as the treat­ment plan. Every­one should leave their appoint­ment with a plan in place that they ful­ly under­stand with­out any lin­ger­ing questions.

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Board Certifications
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, CAQ in Sports Medicine
Clinical Interests
I am very inter­est­ed in regen­er­a­tive med­i­cine as I believe it is the future of mus­cu­loskele­tal and joint med­i­cine for both acute and chron­ic con­di­tions. This includes Platelet Rich Plas­ma, Nee­dle Teno­to­my, Pro­lother­a­py, Platelet Lysate, and Bone Mar­row Aspi­rate. These pro­ce­dures are per­formed under Ultra­sound guid­ance to ensure we are in the prop­er location.
Personal Interests

I enjoy exer­cis­ing includ­ing lift­ing weights, run­ning, high inten­si­ty inter­val train­ing, hik­ing, and going for bike rides. I love watch­ing sports specif­i­cal­ly the Chica­go Cubs, Chica­go Bears, and Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan teams.

Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine Graduation Date: 2018 Degree: MD
University of Toledo Medical Center Resident in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University of Toledo Medical Center Sports Medicine
Provider’s Research
Efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma in Knee Osteoarthritis