Twenty-Four New Physicians Join DuPage Medical Group Across Thirteen Departments - October 2019

October 28, 2019

DOWN­ERS GROVE, Ill. — DuPage Med­ical Group (DMG) — the largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty physi­cian group in Illi­nois — has wel­comed twen­ty-four new physi­cians across its fam­i­ly med­i­cine, Weight Loss Clin­ic, inter­nal med­i­cine, hos­pi­tal­ist, neu­rol­o­gy, orthopaedics, oto­laryn­gol­o­gy, pal­lia­tive care, pedi­atrics, plas­tic surgery, rheuma­tol­ogy, urol­o­gy and vas­cu­lar surgery departments.

Fam­i­ly Medicine:

  • Dr. Regi­ni George is board-cer­ti­fied in fam­i­ly med­i­cine. She earned her med­ical degree from Ross Uni­ver­si­ty School of Med­i­cine and com­plet­ed her res­i­den­cy in fam­i­ly med­i­cine at Mac­Neal Hos­pi­tal. She com­plet­ed her fel­low­ship train­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ari­zona Andrew Well Cen­ter. Dr. George sees pedi­atric and adult patients at 3315 Algo­nquin Road, Suite 100 in Rolling Mead­ows. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 847−788−0700.
  • Dr. Geral­dine Delos San­tos is board-cer­ti­fied in fam­i­ly med­i­cine. She earned her med­ical degree from Des Moines Uni­ver­si­ty and com­plet­ed her res­i­den­cy in fam­i­ly med­i­cine at Advo­cate Christ Med­ical Cen­ter. Dr. Delos San­tos sees pedi­atric and adult patients at 455 Bri­ar­gate Dri­ve in South Elgin. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 847−622−0506.
  • Dr. Mahvish Hamid is board-cer­ti­fied in fam­i­ly med­i­cine. She earned her med­ical degree from Dow Med­ical Col­lege in Pak­istan and com­plet­ed her res­i­den­cy in fam­i­ly med­i­cine at Read­ing Hos­pi­tal. Dr. Hamid sees pedi­atric and adult patients at 640 S. Wash­ing­ton Street, Suite 350 in Naperville. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−717−2646.
  • Dr. Preyan­shu Parekh is board-cer­ti­fied in fam­i­ly med­i­cine. He earned his med­ical degree from Des Moines Uni­ver­si­ty and com­plet­ed his res­i­den­cy in fam­i­ly med­i­cine at Mer­cy­One North Iowa Med­ical Cen­ter. Dr. Parekh sees pedi­atric and adult patients at 608 S. Wash­ing­ton Street, Suite 201 in Naperville. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−717−2630.

Weight Loss Clinic:

  • Dr. Katie Rosen­feld is board-cer­ti­fied in fam­i­ly med­i­cine and obe­si­ty med­i­cine. She earned her med­ical degree from Michi­gan State Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege of Osteo­path­ic Med­i­cine and com­plet­ed her res­i­den­cy in fam­i­ly med­i­cine at AMI­TA Health Adven­tist Med­ical Cen­ter in Hins­dale. Dr. Rosen­feld sees pedi­atric patients (ages 12 and up) and adult patients at 3011 But­ter­field Road, Suite 240 in Oak­brook. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−348−3840.

Inter­nal Medicine:

  • Dr. Sharon Duval is board-cer­ti­fied in inter­nal med­i­cine. She earned her med­ical degree from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois and com­plet­ed her res­i­den­cy at Loy­ola Uni­ver­si­ty Med­ical Cen­ter. Dr. Duval sees adult patients at 745 Fletch­er Dri­ve, Suite 101 in Elgin. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 847−742−3525.
  • Dr. Beat­riz Huer­tas-Rivera prac­tices inter­nal med­i­cine and earned her med­ical degree from the Uni­ver­si­dad Autono­ma de Guadala­jara in Mex­i­co. She com­plet­ed her res­i­den­cy in inter­nal med­i­cine at Mer­cy Hos­pi­tal and Med­ical Cen­ter. Dr. Huer­tas-Rivera sees adult patients at 1801 S. High­land Avenue, Suite 130 in Lom­bard. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−627−4722.
  • Dr. Sal­ly Salman is board-cer­ti­fied in inter­nal med­i­cine. She earned her med­ical degree from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Jor­dan and com­plet­ed her res­i­den­cy in inter­nal med­i­cine at Chica­go Med­ical School/​Rosalind Franklin Uni­ver­si­ty. Dr. Salman sees adult patients at 430 War­renville Road, Suite 210 in Lisle. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−432−6180.
  • Dr. Tingt­ing Zhou is board-cer­ti­fied in inter­nal med­i­cine. She earned her med­ical degree from Jin­ing Med­ical Uni­ver­si­ty and com­plet­ed her res­i­den­cy in inter­nal med­i­cine at West Sub­ur­ban Med­ical Cen­ter. Dr. Zhou sees adult patients at 40 S. Clay Street, East Build­ing, Suite 210 in Hins­dale. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−323−3450.


From the time a patient is admit­ted to the hos­pi­tal through dis­charge, DMG’s hos­pi­tal­ist team close­ly col­lab­o­rates with each patien­t’s pri­ma­ry care provider to ensure a seam­less tran­si­tion of care. 

  • Dr. Matthew Deck­er prac­tices inter­nal med­i­cine as a hos­pi­tal­ist at DMG. He earned his med­ical degree and com­plet­ed his res­i­den­cy in inter­nal med­i­cine from Loy­ola Uni­ver­si­ty Stritch School of Med­i­cine. Dr. Deck­er sees adult patients at Advo­cate Good Samar­i­tan Hos­pi­tal, Edward Hos­pi­tal, Elmhurst Memo­r­i­al Hos­pi­tal and North­west­ern Med­i­cine Cen­tral DuPage Hospital.


  • Dr. Craig Wlo­darek is board-cer­ti­fied and a spe­cial­ist in neu­rol­o­gy. He earned his med­ical degree from Rush Med­ical School and com­plet­ed his res­i­den­cy in neu­rol­o­gy at Rush Med­ical Cen­ter. He com­plet­ed his fel­low­ship train­ing in neu­ro­phys­i­ol­o­gy at Rush Med­ical Cen­ter. Dr. Wlo­darek sees adult patients at 908 N. Elm Street, Suite 110 in Hins­dale. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−986−8770.
  • Dr. Akash Patel is board-cer­ti­fied and a spe­cial­ist in neu­rol­o­gy. He earned his med­ical degree from Nova South­east­ern Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege of Osteo­path­ic Med­i­cine. He com­plet­ed his res­i­den­cy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois at Chica­go Hos­pi­tal, as well as his fel­low­ship train­ing in neu­ro­mus­cu­lar medicine.Dr. Patel sees adult patients at 150 E. Wil­low Avenue, Suite 100 in Wheaton. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−961−4150.


  • Dr. Ivan Eck is an orthopaedic sur­geon spe­cial­iz­ing in total joint replace­ment. He earned his med­ical degree from Kansas City Uni­ver­si­ty of Med­i­cine and Bio­sciences. He com­plet­ed his res­i­den­cy in orthopaedic surgery at Mid­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty, Fran­cis­can Health and his fel­low­ship train­ing in adult recon­struc­tion and trau­ma at the Roy­al Infir­mary of Edin­burgh. Dr. Eck sees pedi­atric and adult patients at 9618 South­west High­way in Oak Lawn and 16660 S. 107th Avenue in Orland Park. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−790−1872.
  • Dr. Shawn Patel is board-cer­ti­fied and a spe­cial­ist in sports med­i­cine. He earned his med­ical degree from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Chica­go Pritzk­er School of Med­i­cine. He com­plet­ed his res­i­den­cy in phys­i­cal med­i­cine and reha­bil­i­ta­tion at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton Med­ical Cen­ter and his fel­low­ship train­ing in sports med­i­cine at Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty in St. Louis. Dr. Patel sees pedi­atric and adult patients at 1206 E. 9th Street in Lock­port. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−790−1872.
  • Dr. Bri­an Toolan is a board-cer­ti­fied orthopaedic sur­geon spe­cial­iz­ing in foot and ankle surgery. He earned his med­ical degree from Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege of Physi­cians and Sur­geons. He com­plet­ed his res­i­den­cy at Hos­pi­tal for Joint Dis­eases Orthopaedic Insti­tute and his fel­low­ship train­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton Har­borview Med­ical Cen­ter. Dr. Toolan sees pedi­atric and adult patients at 1206 E. 9th Street in Lock­port, 100 Spald­ing Dri­ve, Suite 300 in Naperville and 16660 S. 107th Avenue in Orland Park. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−790−1872.
  • Dr. Bri­an Ward is an orthopaedic sur­geon spe­cial­iz­ing in sports med­i­cine. He earned his med­ical degree from Howard Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege of Med­i­cine. He com­plet­ed his res­i­den­cy in orthopaedic surgery and his fel­low­ship train­ing in orthopaedic sports med­i­cine and shoul­der surgery at the Hos­pi­tal for Spe­cial Surgery. Dr. Ward sees pedi­atric and adult patients at 220 Spring­field Dri­ve, Suite 310 in Bloom­ing­dale, 133 E. Brush Hill Road, Suite 100 in Elmhurst and 815 Pasquinel­li Dri­ve in West­mont. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−790−1872.


  • Dr. Kevin Casey is board-cer­ti­fied and a spe­cial­ist in oto­laryn­gol­o­gy (ENT). He earned his med­ical degree from Loy­ola Uni­ver­si­ty Stritch School of Med­i­cine and com­plet­ed his res­i­den­cy in oto­laryn­gol­o­gy at the Med­ical Col­lege of Wis­con­sin Affil­i­at­ed Hos­pi­tals. Dr. Casey sees pedi­atric and adult patients at 330 N. Madi­son Street, Suite 200 in Joli­et and 808 Rick­ert Dri­ve, Suite 200 in Naperville. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−420−2323.

Pal­lia­tive Care:

  • Dr. Saud Sid­diqui is board-cer­ti­fied in fam­i­ly med­i­cine and spe­cial­izes in pal­lia­tive care. He earned his med­ical degree from Ziaud­din Uni­ver­si­ty and com­plet­ed his res­i­den­cy in fam­i­ly med­i­cine at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois Col­lege of Med­i­cine in Rock­ford. He com­plet­ed his fel­low­ship train­ing in hos­pice and pal­lia­tive med­i­cine at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Chica­go. Dr. Sid­diqui sees adult patients at 430 War­renville Road, Suite 300 in Lisle. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−364−7850.


  • Dr. Sharon Hov­ey is board-cer­ti­fied in pedi­atrics. She earned her med­ical degree from the Uni­ver­si­ty of North Dako­ta School of Med­i­cine and com­plet­ed her res­i­den­cy at Chil­dren’s Mer­cy Hos­pi­tal in Kansas City. Dr. Hov­ey sees pedi­atric patients at 24020 West River­walk Court, Suite 102 in Plain­field. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 815−676−2580.

Plas­tic Surgery:

  • Dr. Kari­na Alexan­der is a fel­low­ship-trained plas­tic sur­geon. She earned her med­ical degree from Nova South­east­ern Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege of Osteo­path­ic Med­i­cine and com­plet­ed her res­i­den­cy in gen­er­al surgery at Mai­monides Med­ical Cen­ter. She com­plet­ed her fel­low­ship train­ing in plas­tic surgery at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois at Chica­go. Dr. Alexan­der sees pedi­atric and adult patients at 28381 Davis Park­way, Suite 700 in War­renville. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−348−3000.
  • Dr. Kate Poly­atskaya is a plas­tic sur­geon board-cer­ti­fied in breast micro­surgery and gen­er­al surgery. She earned her med­ical degree from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois and com­plet­ed her res­i­den­cy in gen­er­al surgery at Hen­ry Ford Hos­pi­tal. She com­plet­ed her fel­low­ship train­ing in plas­tic and recon­struc­tive surgery at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan. Dr. Poly­atskaya sees pedi­atric and adult patients at 28381 Davis Park­way, Suite 700 in War­renville. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−348−3000.


  • Dr. Shakaib Hay­at is a fel­low­ship-trained spe­cial­ist in rheuma­tol­ogy. He earned his med­ical degree from Philadel­phia Col­lege of Osteo­path­ic Med­i­cine and com­plet­ed his res­i­den­cy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Chica­go, Northshore. He com­plet­ed his fel­low­ship train­ing in rheuma­tol­ogy at Case West­ern Reserve Uni­ver­si­ty. Dr. Hay­at sees adult patients at 2100 Glen­wood Avenue in Joli­et and 17495 S. La Grange Road in Tin­ley Park. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−268−0200.


  • Dr. Bri­an Kad­ow is a fel­low­ship-trained spe­cial­ist in urol­o­gy and uro­log­ic oncol­o­gy. He earned his med­ical degree from Loy­ola Uni­ver­si­ty Stritch School of Med­i­cine. He com­plet­ed his res­i­den­cy in urol­o­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pitts­burgh Med­ical Cen­ter and his fel­low­ship train­ing in uro­log­ic oncol­o­gy at Fox Chase Can­cer Cen­ter. Dr. Kad­ow sees pedi­atric and adult patients at 430 War­renville Road, Suite 310 in Lisle and 17495 S. La Grange Road in Tin­ley Park. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−790−1221.

Vas­cu­lar Surgery:

  • Dr. Valerie Takyi is a fel­low­ship-trained vas­cu­lar sur­geon. She earned her med­ical degree from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan Med­ical School and com­plet­ed her res­i­den­cy in gen­er­al surgery at Thomas Jef­fer­son Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal. She com­plet­ed her fel­low­ship train­ing in vas­cu­lar surgery at Loy­ola Uni­ver­si­ty Med­ical School. Dr. Takyi sees adult patients at 133 E. Brush Hill Road, Suite 110 in Elmhurst and 430 Penn­syl­va­nia Ave, Suite 310 in Glen Ellyn. Patients can sched­ule an appoint­ment online or by call­ing 630−545−7565.

I was imme­di­ate­ly impressed by the breadth of spe­cial­ties with­in DMG,” said Dr. Kevin Casey, DMG oto­laryn­gol­o­gist. The size and qual­i­ty of the DMG provider net­work pro­motes effi­cient and effec­tive shar­ing of med­ical records, which fos­ters a col­lab­o­ra­tive envi­ron­ment that great­ly ben­e­fits our patients. I am very excit­ed to be a part of the team.”

To learn more about these physi­cians or for more infor­ma­tion, vis­it duly​healthand​care​.com.

About DuPage Med­ical Group
DuPage Med­ical Group (DMG) is the largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty physi­cian group in Illi­nois with more than 750 pri­ma­ry care and spe­cial­ty care physi­cians in over 100 sub­ur­ban Chica­go loca­tions. For 20 years, DMG has focused on mak­ing health­care bet­ter for its patients and com­mu­ni­ties by offer­ing high qual­i­ty, com­pas­sion­ate health­care. As a physi­cian-led orga­ni­za­tion, DMG’s physi­cians work togeth­er — uti­liz­ing lead­ing-edge tech­nol­o­gy and inno­v­a­tive treat­ment options — to ensure that each patient receives acces­si­ble and effi­cient health­care. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it duly​healthand​care​.com.