Dr. Brian Myre Joins Duly Health and Care as Director of Oncology Services

October 01, 2024

DOWN­ERS GROVE, Ill. — Duly Health and Care is pleased to announce the appoint­ment of Dr. Bri­an Myre as the Direc­tor of Oncol­o­gy Ser­vices. His appoint­ment is effec­tive Octo­ber 7, and he will be over­see­ing the expan­sion and enhance­ment of oncol­o­gy ser­vices across Duly Health and Care.

Dr. Myre is rec­og­nized as an expert in gen­i­touri­nary and tho­racic can­cers in the com­mu­ni­ty, hav­ing prac­ticed local­ly since 2016. He com­plet­ed his train­ing in med­ical oncol­o­gy at the Indi­ana Uni­ver­si­ty Simon Can­cer Cen­ter in 2015. Through­out his career, he has been instru­men­tal in imple­ment­ing advanced treat­ment and research pro­to­cols and lead­ing mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary teams to deliv­er com­pre­hen­sive can­cer treatment. 

He holds nation­al lead­er­ship appoint­ments, serv­ing as a mem­ber of the NRG Gen­i­touri­nary Can­cer research com­mit­tee and the Steer­ing Com­mit­tee for M18-868 Teliso­tuz­imab Vedotin with Abb­vie (FDA break­through des­ig­na­tion in non-small cell lung cancer). 

Lead­ing the Way in Can­cer Care

Duly Health and Care is proud to offer the only free-stand­ing, Amer­i­can Col­lege of Sur­geons (ACS) Com­mis­sion on Can­cer (CoC)-accredited can­cer pro­gram in the state of Illi­nois. This pres­ti­gious dis­tinc­tion sig­ni­fies our com­mit­ment to pro­vid­ing the high­est qual­i­ty can­cer care to our patients.

As Direc­tor of Oncol­o­gy Ser­vices, Dr. Myre will lead Duly’s efforts to pro­vide can­cer care that encom­pass­es the lat­est advance­ments in oncol­o­gy treat­ment. His role will include the inte­gra­tion of lead­ing research into prac­ti­cal care plans for Duly patients, enhanc­ing the patient expe­ri­ence, and expand­ing Duly’s capa­bil­i­ties in can­cer care to meet the needs of the com­mu­ni­ties we serve.

Dr. Myre’s addi­tion to our strong inte­grat­ed oncol­o­gy team marks a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone in our com­mit­ment to ele­vat­ing oncol­o­gy ser­vices,” said Paul Mer­rick, MD, Chief Physi­cian Exec­u­tive at Duly Health and Care. He is a well-respect­ed expert in gen­i­touri­nary and tho­racic can­cers and has a proven track record of bring­ing mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary tri­als to our com­mu­ni­ty. His exper­tise and for­ward-think­ing approach will be invalu­able as we con­tin­ue to pro­vide com­pas­sion­ate, com­pre­hen­sive care to our patients.”

Dr. Myre expressed enthu­si­asm about his new role, shar­ing, I am thrilled to join Duly and its out­stand­ing group of physi­cians and clin­i­cal staff. I look for­ward to work­ing with an excep­tion­al team that shares my ded­i­ca­tion to can­cer care. Togeth­er, we will enhance patient out­comes, fos­ter inno­va­tion, and make a mean­ing­ful dif­fer­ence in the lives of those we serve.”

For more infor­ma­tion about Dr. Myre and oncol­o­gy ser­vices at Duly Health and Care, please vis­it www​.duly​.com/​d​rmyre.

About Duly Health and Care:

Duly Health and Care is the largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­­­­cial­­­­ty, physi­­­­cian-direc­t­ed med­ical group in the nation with more than 1,000 pri­ma­ry care and spe­cial­ty care providers and over 6,000 team mem­bers across more than 150 loca­tions. The Duly Health and Care brand includes three med­ical groups – DuPage Med­ical Group, Quin­cy Med­ical Group, and The South Bend Clin­ic. Duly is deeply com­mit­ted to car­ing for patients in tra­di­tion­al and val­ue-based care arrange­ments, ensur­ing a focus on qual­i­ty, effi­cien­cy, and enhanced patient expe­ri­ences through­out the Midwest.

For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it www​.duly​healthand​care​.com.

Media Con­tact
Maria McGowan
Senior Vice Pres­i­dent, Mar­ket­ing
Duly Health and Care
(630) 545‑7640