
Hydroquinone: Is It Still The Gold Standard for Skin Lightening?

Over the past sev­er­al years, hydro­quinone has become a con­tro­ver­sial skin-care ingre­di­ent for top­i­cal use. For over 50 years, hydro­quinone has been estab­lished as the most effec­tive ingre­di­ent for reduc­ing and poten­tial­ly elim­i­nat­ing brown skin dis­col­orations often referred to as melas­ma, liv­er spots and café au lait spots. Hydro­quinone is a strong inhibitor of melanin production.

To Peel or Not To Peel? That Is The Question...

Chem­i­cal peels are one of the most pop­u­lar treat­ments that are sought after today. But they can sound scary, espe­cial­ly when you real­ize that acids are being used to exfo­li­ate the skin. So why do peo­ple use them? Are they ben­e­fi­cial for every­one? To help with those who may have some doubts and ques­tions about peels, I will explain why chem­i­cal peel­ing is not only safe, but there is a chem­i­cal peel that is right for every­one no mat­ter what skin type or condition.