
The Science Behind Hair Loss Treatment

Nor­mal hair loss is con­sid­ered to be 100 to 150 strands per day. If you expe­ri­ence a high­er amount of hair loss, you may have male- or female-pat­tern hair loss. There can be many caus­es of hair loss includ­ing phys­i­cal stress, preg­nan­cy, cer­tain pre­scrip­tion med­ica­tions, vit­a­min defi­cien­cy, autoim­mune dis­or­ders and hered­i­tary caus­es. Platelet-rich plas­ma (PRP) hair treat­ment is a nat­ur­al, proven way to pro­mote hair growth in cer­tain types of hair loss.

The Halo™ Laser: An Innovative Approach to Laser Treatment

The Halo™ laser treat­ment uses a com­bi­na­tion of abla­tive and non-abla­tive laser tech­nol­o­gy to pre­cise­ly tar­get prob­lem areas on your skin, result­ing in an even, more smooth com­plex­ion. Whether your skin has been affect­ed by long-term sun expo­sure, an active lifestyle or you are sim­ply expe­ri­enc­ing the inevitable signs of aging, the Halo™ laser treat­ment is a safe and effec­tive way to heal and reju­ve­nate your skin.

Hydrafacial® or Dermalinfusion®

Your skin is one of your most impor­tant organs, and it’s up to you to take care of it. As the sea­sons change and we expose our skin to a vari­ety of cli­mates, activ­i­ties and skin-care reg­i­mens, it’s impor­tant to keep one thing con­sis­tent: hydra­tion. Keep­ing your skin well-hydrat­ed is nec­es­sary to a youth­ful appear­ance, mak­ing your skin more plump and resilient, improv­ing elas­tic­i­ty and com­bat­ting unde­sir­able oils. While drink­ing water and mois­tur­iz­ing your face are essen­tial day-to-day tasks, there are a vari­ety of treat­ments offered to restore your skin’s health and hydration.

10 Questions To Ask Your Doctor Before Having A Cosmetic Laser Procedure


Grow­ing old­er is no longer syn­ony­mous with look­ing or feel­ing that way. We can now pre­vent, reduce and erase the signs of age with lit­tle or no down­time or pain. Laser treat­ments can range from hair removal, reduc­tion of wrin­kles and bro­ken blood ves­sels, treat­ment of acne scars and much more. When con­sult­ing with your provider, ask­ing well thought out ques­tions is essen­tial to ensur­ing a pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence; even the sim­plest pro­ce­dure car­ries poten­tial risk by some­one who is not prop­er­ly trained. Some ques­tions to get your con­ver­sa­tion start­ed include:

When Freckles are No Longer Cute: Photo-aging and Laser Options


When you were young you may have devel­oped cute freck­les on your nose and cheeks, but as you have got­ten old­er their cute­ness has fad­ed. Sun expo­sure over the years def­i­nite­ly takes its toll on your skin and those freck­les start look­ing more like age spots or a vari­ety of oth­er skin con­di­tions. Many of these spots may fade a lit­tle by avoid­ing the sun, but usu­al­ly don’t dis­ap­pear on their own.

Focus on Fillers


Der­mal fillers refer to a group of injectable prod­ucts that can be used for aes­thet­ic cor­rec­tion of lines, wrin­kles and hol­low­ing of the face. The first, and per­haps best known, mem­ber of this prod­uct group was col­la­gen. Col­la­gen first came to mar­ket over 20 years ago and was found to be an excel­lent prod­uct to help enhance lips and also fill very fine lines. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the results would only last 1 – 3 months and the lack of com­pet­i­tive prod­ucts made it fair­ly cost­ly. This and the need for aller­gy test­ing pri­or to its use was the dri­ving force behind research to devel­op alternatives.