
Surprising Health Conditions That Impact Your Eyes


Your eyes play an impor­tant role in your over­all health, but are often over­looked until a prob­lem occurs. Just like oth­er parts of your body, when not prop­er­ly cared for, your eyes can devel­op a vari­ety of con­di­tions includ­ing arthri­tis, cel­luli­tis or sun­burn. Board-cer­ti­fied oph­thal­mol­o­gist, Lisa Wohl, MD, shares some of the sur­pris­ing con­di­tions that can impact your eyes and what you can do to keep your eyes healthy.

Vaping & Your Lung Health

Any­thing that is inhaled into your lungs can pose a threat to your lung health. How­ev­er, we are less like­ly to expe­ri­ence lung dam­age from envi­ron­men­tal inhalants, which are often out of our con­trol, than we are from direct inhala­tion of cig­a­rettes and/​or e‑cigarettes. With the ris­ing trend seen in e‑cigarette use, or vap­ing, it’s more impor­tant now than ever to edu­cate the com­mu­ni­ty on the short and long-term med­ical risks these devices may have on your lungs.

What Do Electrolytes Do?

Elec­trolytes are chem­i­cals and min­er­als that enter your body through the food, drinks, med­ica­tions and oth­er sup­ple­ments you con­sume. The most com­mon elec­trolytes are cal­ci­um, mag­ne­sium, potas­si­um and sodi­um. Elec­trolytes are bro­ken down dur­ing diges­tion and are used to reg­u­late the flow of water to your cells, keep your body hydrat­ed, rebuild tis­sue and send nerve impuls­es to sig­nal your body to per­form var­i­ous activities.

Eliminate Your Varicose Veins


Each year when spring and sum­mer roll around do you fear wear­ing shorts or your bathing suit due to your vari­cose veins? You don’t have to feel this way any­more! A min­i­mal­ly inva­sive treat­ment exists that can help get you the legs you want. Endove­nous laser treat­ment elim­i­nates unsight­ly vari­cose veins with an in-office pro­ce­dure, min­i­mal-to-no scar­ring or side effects and with a quick recov­ery. The endove­nous laser treat­ment pro­ce­dure is safe, fast, and effec­tive, per­formed by our high­ly trained, board-cer­ti­fied vas­cu­lar sur­geons. In less than an hour, you can be free from bulging, twist­ed vari­cose veins and back to enjoy­ing your every­day activities.

Am I Obese Or Am I Overweight?

The Sta­tis­tics:

  • More than 1 in 3 adults is con­sid­ered obese.
  • About 13 of chil­dren or ado­les­cents (age 6 to 19) are con­sid­ered over­weight or obese.
  • More than 1 in 6 chil­dren or ado­les­cents (age 6 to 19) is con­sid­ered obese.
  • Obe­si­ty increas­es your risk for heart dis­ease- the #1 killer of both men and women in the U.S.
  • One study sug­gests that 4% of some can­cers in men and 7% of some can­cers in women are caused by obesity.