
What is Pulmonary Function Testing?


Pul­monary func­tion tests (PFTs) are a series of non-inva­sive diag­nos­tic tests that mea­sure how well your lungs work and can be used to help diag­nose cer­tain lung dis­or­ders. Pul­monary func­tion tests’ is an inclu­sive term that refers to many dif­fer­ent pro­ce­dures that mea­sure how your lungs work in dif­fer­ent ways. Specif­i­cal­ly these tests mea­sure how well you are able to breathe and how well your lungs are able to sup­ply oxy­gen to your body by mea­sur­ing your lung vol­umes, capac­i­ties, rates of flow and gas exchange.

How Planning Ahead Can Reduce Your Chance of Becoming Sick While Traveling

Trav­el­ing is a great way to expe­ri­ence new things and make last­ing mem­o­ries. Devel­op­ing an ill­ness while you’re away from home can be stress­ful and have a sig­nif­i­cant impact on your plans. Whether you’re trav­el­ing local­ly or out­side of the Unit­ed States (U.S.), it’s impor­tant to be aware of the pos­si­ble health risks you may encounter on your trip and have a plan to min­i­mize them and address any symp­toms that may devel­op, should you become ill. Infec­tious Dis­ease and Trav­el Med­i­cine physi­cian, Noziana Aftab, MD, shares tips to keep you healthy while you’re on-the-go.

What's Behind the Rise in Mouth and Throat Cancer?


An esti­mat­ed 53,000 peo­ple are diag­nosed with mouth or throat can­cers each year in the Unit­ed States. These can­cers can be found on your gums, lips, sali­vary glands, tongue, ton­sils and oth­er parts of your mouth and throat. Tra­di­tion­al­ly, these can­cers are more like­ly to occur in men, typ­i­cal­ly over the age of 55, and have been pri­mar­i­ly linked to tobac­co and alco­hol use. While the over­all rate of mouth and throat can­cer cas­es is declin­ing, the rate of throat can­cer cas­es diag­nosed in younger adults and linked to HPV infec­tion are on the rise.

Adult Sleep Study


A vari­ety of tests includ­ing Polysomno­gram, Mul­ti-Sleep Laten­cy Test ( MSLT) and Main­te­nance of Wake­ful­ness Test (MWT) are all pos­si­ble sleep stud­ies your physi­cian can order to eval­u­ate your sleep pat­terns. The DMG Sleep Cen­ter is made up of pri­vate bed­rooms and are sim­i­lar to typ­i­cal hotel rooms, with pri­vate bath­rooms avail­able for show­er­ing after the study is com­plet­ed. The rooms are sup­plied with pil­lows, blan­kets, tow­els, wash­cloths and toiletries.

Back Off Spine Pain


Your body may be telling you that it’s time to con­sid­er mak­ing changes in your every­day rou­tine to pre­serve your spine health. Edu­cate your­self on sim­ple lifestyle mod­i­fi­ca­tions such as pil­low choice and opti­mal sleep­ing posi­tions, work­sta­tion point­ers and more com­fort­able dri­ving pos­ture so you can begin to see a dif­fer­ence in your pain lev­els. In addi­tion to tried and true approach­es such as weight loss and smok­ing ces­sa­tion, you can reclaim func­tion and range of motion by avoid­ing cer­tain move­ments at the wrong time of the day and using light exer­cise to ease the inflam­ma­tion that leads to chron­ic pain.