High Risk Breast Clinic: A Patient’s Experience
“I was scared, but I knew it had to be done.”
“I was scared, but I knew it had to be done.”
When you are going through cancer treatment, and more specifically chemotherapy, your health care team is there to make sure you are comfortable. You will have the luxury of your own private reclining chair along with medications to help manage side effects but bringing a favorite book, movie, blanket or friend can also provide comfort during your treatments. The number of chemotherapy sessions and duration of each treatment will vary from patient to patient and even visit to visit, but it is helpful if you bring some things to help pass the time and keep you comfortable while receiving treatment.
As temperatures drop and seasons change, it’s not uncommon to develop symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy eyes, coughing, facial pressure and body aches. You may shrug off these symptoms as nothing more than a head cold, but they may be caused by seasonal allergies or a sinus infection which may require different treatments to resolve. To help you determine what’s behind your symptoms, board-certified otolaryngologist (ENT), Feodor Ung, MD, shares differences between colds, allergies and sinus infections and how you can get symptom relief.
External beam radiation therapy, the most widely used type of radiation therapy, comes from a machine (linear accelerator) that aims radiation at the specific spot that is affected with cancer. The machine is large and may be noisy. It does not touch you, but rotates around you, sending radiation to your body from many directions.
Everyday life can seem like a balancing act. The demands that come from our family and work often make putting our own health last on our priority list.
Sleep is increasingly being recognized as an important health factor, as sleep insufficiency has been linked to motor vehicle crashes, industrial accidents and other work related errors. While some sleep issues are caused by chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, depression and obesity, others are caused by sleep disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea.
Selecting the right health insurance plan is an important decision and at times can feel like a daunting task. Coverage is continually changing and there are more confusing health insurance terms out there than ever before. DMG enables you to crack the health insurance code and provide simple steps to allow you to pick a plan based on the total costs of care.
Many people experience joint pain, especially in the hands. Joint pain becomes particularly more prevalent as we age. It is important to distinguish pain that is due to inflammation in the joints, from pain that is due to degeneration of bone and cartilage.
Anxiety is your body’s natural reaction to stressful and uncertain situations, it is your body telling you to stay alert and protect yourself. Everybody experiences some form of everyday anxiety but when it gets out-of-hand you could be suffering from anxiety disorder.
Heart disease remains the No. 1 cause of death in the US and kills nearly 380,000 people a year. While this mortality rate has fallen dramatically over the last 10 years, risk factors are still alarmingly high. Prevention is an essential element in the fight against heart disease — much of which can be managed through diet.