
10 Ways to Maintain Your Eye Health


1. Get an Annu­al Dilat­ed Eye Exam

Adults should have a year­ly dilat­ed eye exam to detect com­mon con­di­tions like cataracts, glau­co­ma or mac­u­lar degen­er­a­tion. These dis­eases could slow­ly be dam­ag­ing the eye and you would not be aware of the destruc­tion unless you have a dilat­ed eye exam. Be proac­tive and pre­vent blind­ness before its too late, sched­ule your annu­al eye exam (be sure to request dilation).

Ear Tube Surgery


Place­ment of ear tubes in chil­dren is often per­formed at the hos­pi­tal or at The Sur­gi­cal Cen­ter of DuPage Med­ical Group. The pro­ce­dure is per­formed under gen­er­al anes­the­sia that is admin­is­tered by a mask. In most cas­es, no IV is required. Pro­ce­dure length is vari­able, but often lasts about 15 min­utes. Min­i­mal bleed­ing from the ears can be expect­ed. Once the child has awak­ened from anes­the­sia, is able to drink, and par­ents are com­fort­able, every­one can go home. Imme­di­ate recov­ery from anes­the­sia can last about an hour.