
What's Causing Your Stomach Pain

Every­one expe­ri­ences stom­ach pain at var­i­ous times through­out their life. Stom­ach pain can occur in a vari­ety of loca­tions – it may be felt in a spe­cif­ic, iso­lat­ed area or may affect your entire abdomen. Stom­ach pain doesn’t always feel the same either. Some­times it can feel like a dull ache, while oth­er times you may expe­ri­ence cramp­ing and/​or sharp gas-like pains. It can devel­op due to a vari­ety rea­sons, and depend­ing on the cause, may require dif­fer­ent treat­ment. All of these vari­ables can make it chal­leng­ing to deter­mine what’s caus­ing your stom­ach pain. To help, gas­troen­terol­o­gist, Nisha Shah, MD, dis­cuss­es sev­er­al com­mon cul­prits and tips to help you tell them apart.