
Fall is the perfect time for a chemical peel

Chemical Peels: Do's and Don'ts

Chem­i­cal peels are designed to super­fi­cial­ly exfo­li­ate your skin, which pro­motes reduc­tion of fine lines and wrin­kles, minor scars, acne, stretch marks, sun dam­age and dis­col­oration. It helps our skin look more youth­ful, pli­able, smooth and even. Typ­i­cal­ly, mul­ti­ple treat­ments are required to achieve your desired results.

The win­ter months are an ide­al time for get­ting a chem­i­cal peel. Before under­go­ing a chem­i­cal peel, it is impor­tant to under­stand the do’s and don’ts of prepar­ing your skin and guide­lines to fol­low after your treatment.