Men's Health

Salvage Cryotherapy: A Second Chance When Prostate Cancer Comes Back

When it comes to prostate can­cer treat­ment there are many dif­fer­ent options for care. Did you know that rough­ly 25 per­cent of men who receive radi­a­tion treat­ment have a recur­rence? A treat­ment called sal­vage prostate cryother­a­py has become avail­able to help treat prostate can­cer reoc­cur­rence. Sal­vage prostate cryother­a­py can offer men a sec­ond chance as long as the can­cer has­n’t spread beyond the prostate.

Ways to Maintain Your Prostate Health

Your prostate is a wal­nut-sized, mus­cu­lar gland locat­ed below your blad­der, and is respon­si­ble for secret­ing prostate flu­id which helps the flow of sem­i­nal flu­id. As part of the male repro­duc­tive sys­tem, your prostate gland grows sig­nif­i­cant­ly dur­ing your teenage years, near­ly dou­bling in size, and will con­tin­ue to grow for the remain­der of your life. In some cas­es, the prostate may become larg­er than aver­age, a con­di­tion called benign pro­sta­t­ic hyper­pla­sia (BPH). An enlarged prostate gland can put pres­sure on your uri­nary tract and impair the flow of urine from your blad­der. Oth­er com­mon signs of an enlarged prostate include:

Time-Out to Talk About Low T


Testos­terone is a hor­mone found in both men and women, although women pro­duce a much small­er amount. Testos­terone pro­duc­tion is typ­i­cal­ly at its high­est dur­ing puber­ty, and begins to decline around the age of 30. Although testos­terone is most com­mon­ly asso­ci­at­ed with an indi­vid­u­al’s sex dri­ve and sperm pro­duc­tion in males, it also impacts bone and mus­cle mass, red cell pro­duc­tion, the deep­en­ing of your voice, and can even affect your mood.