Lifestyle & Wellness

Halloween in a Global Health Pandemic: What You Should Know

Haunt­ed hous­es, ghosts and jack‑o’-lanterns are just a few famil­iar scares asso­ci­at­ed with Hal­loween. In 2020, COVID-19 has added a new lev­el of fear to this hol­i­day. What will the spook­i­est day of the year look like dur­ing a glob­al health pan­dem­ic? Dr. Mali­ni Kumar, a pedi­a­tri­cian with DuPage Med­ical Group, explains how COVID-19 will affect Hal­loween and what you can do to make this annu­al hol­i­day Spook­tac­u­lar’ giv­en the circumstances. 

Tips for Clear and Healthy Skin While Masking


As you con­tin­ue to wear a face mask in pub­lic to help pre­vent the spread of COVID-19, you may notice some side effects such as break­outs, dry­ness, red­ness or oth­er forms of irri­ta­tion. This is due to the mask cre­at­ing fric­tion against your skin and restrict­ing your air­flow, which caus­es a build-up of humid­i­ty, sweat and bac­te­ria. Our Der­ma­tol­o­gists pro­vide some tips on how to avoid irri­ta­tion from masking.

Essential Oils and Your Health

Essen­tial oils have become a pop­u­lar way to relax and sup­port your emo­tion­al well-being. While many are drawn to essen­tial oils because they’re con­sid­ered to be nat­ur­al prod­ucts, they’re not always risk-free. Incor­rect or over-use of essen­tial oils can cause an aller­gic reac­tion, espe­cial­ly if you have asth­ma or are prone to envi­ron­men­tal aller­gies. They can also pose health risks for preg­nant women, chil­dren and pets. Aller­gist, Amee Maj­mundar, MD, shares tips on how to enjoy essen­tial oils safely.