Conditions & Diseases

7 Tips To Know Before Taking Viagra

7 Expert Tips To Know Before Taking Viagra®


There is no short­age of infor­ma­tion on the inter­net about erec­tile dys­func­tion; the prob­lem is the infor­ma­tion is not always accu­rate. Erec­tile dys­func­tion affects an esti­mat­ed 18 mil­lion men in the US alone. One of the main­stays in treat­ing erec­tile dys­func­tion is through oral med­ica­tion, with Via­gra® being one of the most preva­lent and well-known brands on the mar­ket to treat sex­u­al function.

Athlete's Foot or Something Else?


Hav­ing trou­ble with your feet? You may be one of the many peo­ple who are expe­ri­enc­ing a com­mon skin issue called Tinea Pedis, or Ath­lete’s Foot. This prob­lem refers to a fun­gal infec­tion of the skin that can occur in between the toes, or on the bot­tom of the foot. The symp­toms of infec­tion can include scal­ing, fis­sures, itch­ing, red­ness, and most notably, mac­er­a­tion (a white mushy like appear­ance of the skin) in between the toes. Some­times an odor may be present. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this infec­tion is extreme­ly com­mon, seen main­ly in young to mid­dle-aged men; how­ev­er, women can also be affected.