Conditions & Diseases

Retinal Conditions and Treatment Options


The eye is the organ of sight and is best com­pared to a cam­era. Like a cam­era, the eye has many intri­cate parts which must work togeth­er to pro­duce clear vision. The reti­na, a lay­er of neur­al tis­sue that lines the back sur­face of the eye, func­tions like the film in a cam­era. To pro­duce a clear pic­ture, the film must be defect-free. Sim­i­lar­ly, for you to see clear­ly, your reti­na must be free of any prob­lems. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, many of us do not know we have reti­nal prob­lems until they impair our vision. The good news is that a dilat­ed eye exam per­formed by a reti­nal spe­cial­ist can iden­ti­fy these prob­lems ear­ly, treat if nec­es­sary and pre­vent irre­versible blindness.

Cherry-Red Marks


Cher­ry angiomas are small benign growths of small blood ves­sels that occur in almost all patients over the age of thir­ty. They can be as small as only 1 – 2 mil­lime­ters in diam­e­ter, or range in size up to a cen­time­ter. Cher­ry angiomas may appear flat, or may become raised over time. Some­times a patient may have only one lesion, or patients can have dozens of them. Most of the time, patients will notice the devel­op­ment of these lesions on the scalp, face, trunk, and extrem­i­ties. Cher­ry angiomas can range in col­or from a bright cher­ry red to a dark, almost pur­ple col­or, com­mon­ly seen in old­er patients and with larg­er lesions. They are almost always few to no symp­toms unless they have been trau­ma­tized, for instance, being cut when shaved over, etc.

Time-Out to Talk About Low T


Testos­terone is a hor­mone found in both men and women, although women pro­duce a much small­er amount. Testos­terone pro­duc­tion is typ­i­cal­ly at its high­est dur­ing puber­ty, and begins to decline around the age of 30. Although testos­terone is most com­mon­ly asso­ci­at­ed with an indi­vid­u­al’s sex dri­ve and sperm pro­duc­tion in males, it also impacts bone and mus­cle mass, red cell pro­duc­tion, the deep­en­ing of your voice, and can even affect your mood.