Conditions & Diseases

That Skin Rash Might Be Psoriasis!

To the aver­age indi­vid­ual, a rash is just a rash. But to the trained eye, you may be deal­ing with an inflam­ma­to­ry skin con­di­tion called pso­ri­a­sis. This com­mon prob­lem affects up to three per­cent of Amer­i­cans. All races and both gen­ders can be affect­ed, with more adults car­ry­ing this diag­no­sis than chil­dren. So how do you know if you might be one of those peo­ple? The fol­low­ing signs may be help­ful to know:

Retinal Conditions and Treatment Options


The eye is the organ of sight and is best com­pared to a cam­era. Like a cam­era, the eye has many intri­cate parts which must work togeth­er to pro­duce clear vision. The reti­na, a lay­er of neur­al tis­sue that lines the back sur­face of the eye, func­tions like the film in a cam­era. To pro­duce a clear pic­ture, the film must be defect-free. Sim­i­lar­ly, for you to see clear­ly, your reti­na must be free of any prob­lems. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, many of us do not know we have reti­nal prob­lems until they impair our vision. The good news is that a dilat­ed eye exam per­formed by a reti­nal spe­cial­ist can iden­ti­fy these prob­lems ear­ly, treat if nec­es­sary and pre­vent irre­versible blindness.