The Ultimate Guide to Hydrafacial® and DiamondGlow™ Treatments

When it comes to achiev­ing a lumi­nous, healthy com­plex­ion, few treat­ments com­pare to two of the most sought-after treat­ments we offer: Hydrafa­cial® and Dia­mond­Glow™. These two beloved skin­care treat­ments have gained pop­u­lar­i­ty for their abil­i­ty to deeply reju­ve­nate the skin, leav­ing it smooth, hydrat­ed, and glow­ing. But what sets them apart, and what do they have in common?

Hydrafa­cial: Deep Cleans­ing Meets Intense Hydration

Hydrafa­cial is the go-to treat­ment for those seek­ing a com­pre­hen­sive skin­care expe­ri­ence in one ses­sion. Com­bin­ing the ben­e­fits of deep cleans­ing, exfo­li­a­tion, extrac­tion, and intense hydra­tion, this non-inva­sive treat­ment uses a patent­ed Vor­tex-Fusion deliv­ery sys­tem to infuse your skin with nutri­ent-rich serums tai­lored to your unique needs.

Ben­e­fits of Hydrafacial:

  • Instant Glow: Enjoy imme­di­ate results with vis­i­bly plumper, more radi­ant skin, mak­ing it ide­al as a pre-event treat­ment before wed­dings, par­ties and more.
  • Cus­tomiz­able Care: Whether you’re deal­ing with acne, fine lines, or pig­men­ta­tion, Hydrafa­cial can be cus­tomized to address your spe­cif­ic skin con­cerns. Our team loves the Hydrafa­cial Brigh­tal­ive Boost­er by ZO Skin Health that tar­gets dull­ness with skin bright­en­ers and anti-inflam­ma­to­ry agents to restore a healthy, lumi­nous complexion.
  • No Down­time: Per­fect for those on the go, Hydrafa­cial requires no down­time, allow­ing you to step out of your appoint­ment look­ing and feel­ing refreshed.

Hydrafa­cial is my go-to for clients who want that instant wow fac­tor with­out the wait,” says Ange­li­ka Dey­na, LE from Duly Aes­thet­ics Wheaton. It’s a stand­out treat­ment that deliv­ers results you can see and feel right away.”

Dia­mond Glow: Exfo­li­a­tion and Serum Infu­sion Like Nev­er Before

Dia­mond Glow ele­vates the exfo­li­a­tion process by using a dia­mond-tipped wand to gen­tly resur­face the skin while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly infus­ing it with pro­fes­sion­al-grade serums. This dual-action approach not only enhances skin tex­ture but also ensures deep­er pen­e­tra­tion of active ingre­di­ents, leav­ing your skin smoother and brighter.

Ben­e­fits of Dia­mond Glow:

  • Exquis­ite Exfo­li­a­tion: The dia­mond-tipped wand effec­tive­ly removes dead skin cells, reveal­ing a brighter, smoother com­plex­ion beneath.
  • Deep Serum Pen­e­tra­tion: By infus­ing serums dur­ing the exfo­li­a­tion process, Dia­mond Glow ensures your skin receives max­i­mum hydra­tion and nour­ish­ment. We’re fond of the Skin­Med­ica HA5 Reju­ve­nat­ing Hydra­tor that deliv­ers intense hydra­tion with hyaluron­ic acid, smooth­ing and plump­ing the skin, mak­ing it look more youth­ful and radiant.
  • Long-Last­ing Results: Reg­u­lar Dia­mond Glow treat­ments can improve your skin’s tex­ture and appear­ance over time, giv­ing you a last­ing, lumi­nous glow.

What sets Dia­mond Glow apart is its abil­i­ty to deliv­er exfo­li­a­tion, extrac­tions and tar­get­ed infu­sions with per­son­al­ized serums,” shares Lucy Berg, LE, at Duly Aes­thet­ics Naperville. It’s a lux­u­ri­ous facial and a deep skin treat­ment rolled into one.”

What Do Hydrafa­cial and Dia­mond­Glow Have in Common?

While Hydrafa­cial and Dia­mond­Glow each have their unique strengths, they share sev­er­al key sim­i­lar­i­ties that make them both excep­tion­al choic­es for skin­care enthusiasts:

  • Non-Inva­sive: Both treat­ments are gen­tle on the skin, pro­vid­ing deep cleans­ing, exfo­li­a­tion, and hydra­tion with­out the need for inva­sive procedures.
  • Instant Results: Whether you opt for Hydrafa­cial or Dia­mond Glow, you’ll leave your appoint­ment with an imme­di­ate boost in skin radi­ance and hydration.
  • Cus­tomiz­able Treat­ments: Both ser­vices allow for per­son­al­iza­tion, ensur­ing the serums and tech­niques used are tai­lored to your spe­cif­ic skin concerns.
  • Min­i­mal Down­time: Enjoy the con­ve­nience of min­i­mal down­time with both treat­ments, mak­ing them per­fect for any­one with a busy lifestyle.

Should You Get a Hydrafa­cial or DiamondGlow?

While both treat­ments offer incred­i­ble results, your choice may depend on your spe­cif­ic skin goals and preferences.

If you’re look­ing for:

  • Instant hydra­tion and glow with a focus on deep cleans­ing, Hydrafa­cial might be the per­fect choice.
  • A more inten­sive exfo­li­a­tion with simul­ta­ne­ous serum infu­sion for longer-last­ing effects, Dia­mond­Glow could be the ide­al option.

Ulti­mate­ly, both treat­ments are designed to enhance your skin’s health and appear­ance, and at Duly Aes­thet­ics, our skilled estheti­cians are here to help you choose the best option based on your unique skin needs.

Sched­ule a com­pli­men­ta­ry, per­son­al­ized skin­care con­sul­ta­tion with a Duly Aes­thet­ics licensed estheti­cian today!

Health Topics:

  • I believe giving my patients a thorough consult and educating them on what is happening with their skin is vital.

  • I treat my clients like they are my friends and family by building trust and respect, putting their needs first. I enjoy working with each patient to achieve their skin care goals and love to see the confidence it brings them. It's extremely rewarding to see patients happy.