The Benefits of a CardioGraphe CT Scan

Car­dio­vas­cu­lar Diseases

As heart dis­ease con­tin­ues to be the lead­ing cause of death in the Unit­ed States, seek­ing med­ical atten­tion ear­ly for any pos­si­ble heart-relat­ed symp­toms is crit­i­cal. A com­put­ed tomog­ra­phy (CT) scan is often used to detect under­ly­ing prob­lems that cause symp­toms such as chest pain, short­ness of breath, indi­ges­tion or heart pal­pi­ta­tions. Find out how the Car­dio­Graphe CT scan, used at our Car­diac Eval­u­a­tion Cen­ter, is a game chang­er in diag­nos­ing var­i­ous heart conditions. 

Car­dio­GrapheTM CT Scan

CT scans are designed to diag­nose many dis­eases and injuries to var­i­ous parts of the body, includ­ing the heart. A CT scan shed light on the heart’s health, pro­vid­ing a clear pic­ture of the coro­nary arter­ies, heart mus­cle, peri­cardi­um, pul­monary veins and tho­racic and abdom­i­nal aor­ta. This infor­ma­tion is essen­tial in help­ing med­ical providers make thor­ough diag­noses and cre­ate per­son­al­ized treat­ment plans.

Car­dio­Graphe is a CT scan that was designed specif­i­cal­ly for car­dio­vas­cu­lar diag­noses. This scan is faster at pro­duc­ing 3D results com­pared to tra­di­tion­al CTs and uses low­er dose radi­a­tion. Tra­di­tion­al CT scans typ­i­cal­ly com­bine a series of x‑rays to pro­duce a 3D image where­as the Car­dio­Graphe takes a com­plete pho­to in a sin­gle 0.24 sec­ond rota­tion. Since those who usu­al­ly need a heart scan typ­i­cal­ly have irreg­u­lar heart rates, the Car­dio­Graphe scan is designed to cap­ture a pho­to of a sin­gu­lar heart­beat, while still col­lect­ing the full 3D image. This allows med­ical providers to see a clear, more accu­rate visu­al of the heart’s func­tion­al­i­ty, as well as diag­nose and treat patients at a faster rate. 

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